Aruba! Wow — Us & One Happy Island

Hubby and I take turns planning anniversary trips. It was his turn.

K. Joseph
The Creative Collective


Black married couple on a beach in Aruba. K. Joseph and hubby. Image © K. Joseph.
Photo from author’s collection. Mr & Mrs Joseph, Aruba 2024. Sunset dinner at Atardi. Image © K. Joseph.

“You’ve got it this year,” I reminded him about the anniversary trip, a mix of half-question and half-project management statement.

“I’m thinking Aruba,” he replied, not looking up as he continued scrolling through Instagram.

“Hmmm,” I murmured, only half-listening as I responded to Slack messages from colleagues. We lounged comfortably on opposite sides of the sofa in our Manhattan apartment, with CBS News 24/7 droning in the background.

Marital bliss and couple goals — off we go!

Photo from author’s collection. Waiting on a rental at the Aruba Airport, Aruba 2024. Image © K. Joseph.

As soon as we emerged from the airport, I wondered, how close are we to the equator?

Waiting outside the Budget Rental office, I irrationally calculated the odds of an eclipse sparing me the glare of a harsh sun.

But the consistent, cool wind gusts were delightful offsets.

“Welcome to Aruba! Is this your first time?” Everyone seemed to ask us.

Are we giving off first-time-tourist vibes? It wasn’t so much a question as realizing…



K. Joseph
The Creative Collective

Change management leader sharing ideas and experiences that may help you navigate the world of work with your fellow humans.