Genesys Cloud Salesforce Integration: The Best of Both Worlds

Rahul Mishra
The Creative Collective
3 min readJun 17, 2024

Are you working with Salesforce on a Genesys cloud framework? We have got the perfect tool for you. We are talking about the CTI connector, the Genesys Cloud Salesforce integration tool that brings the telephony system to your Salesforce interface. So, you can bring the best of two worlds together and make the most out of your contact center solution.

Understanding Genesys CTI Integration with Salesforce

Genesys Salesforce CTI Integration is the process of digitizing the manual telephony system. In other words, it is the merger of two technologies where the telephony system of Genesy is brought directly to the Salesforce interface.

This is essential in a contact center setting as the integration brings conveniences and several features that can be beneficial for both the agents and the customers they are serving.

For instance, Genesys CTI integration with Salesforce helps agents be up-to-date with all the relevant customer information during customer interactions, helping them provide a more personalized and faster resolution.

Genesys Cloud Salesforce Integration can bring many more such benefits to contact center operations. Let’s take a look at some of these benefits:

Download Free Whitepaper: Exploring Possibilities with CTI Connector Integrations

The Benefits of Genesys Integration with Salesforce

Genesys integration with Salesforce brings two major features to aid the way agents make and receive calls: ScreenPop and Click to Call. Both these features translate into benefits for both the agents and the customers.


As the name suggests, ScreenPop is a feature that pops agents’ Salesforce screen with relevant information about the customer as soon as the agent connects with the said customer. ScreenPop can help improve major KPIs like first call resolution and average handling time.

On the customer’s side, they get quick and personalized resolution to their query, making them gain trust for the company’s customer service.

Click to Call:

Click to Call simply means that agents can click on an icon to instantly connect with the customers instead of manually dialing their number each time. In a contact center, time is of the essence. Every second that agents spend dialing numbers is another customer being put on hold. Over the day, this number culminates and the customer satisfaction rate falls.

To avoid such a scenario, agents can make use of the Click to Call feature and connect with customers instantly without having to waste any time and effort.

Moreover, CTI integration is not limited to these two features. When you connect Genesys Cloud with Salesforce, you gain access to many smaller yet powerful features that can transform how you connect and interact with your customers.

For instance, CTI integration allows all the call-related features including call transfer, call recording, call conferencing, and much more. This allows the agents and supervisors to have greater control over the calls and allows them to make informed decisions that are in sync with the reports.


There you have it: a brief understanding of Genesys Cloud Salesforce Integration and the bringing of two worlds together. We hope this article helped you understand what Salesforce Genesys integration is and how it can help elevate both customer and agent experience.

If you are on the lookout for a CTI connector that connects your Salesforce CRM with Genesys Cloud seamlessly, visit Our solutions are designed to suit your specific needs. That’s why we also allow you to get a custom CTI interface with the help of additional servers and a little bit of configuration.



Rahul Mishra
The Creative Collective

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