Finance | Investing | Stocks
I’m Moonlighting as a Day Trader
What have I gotten myself into?
The stock market is a scary place for beginners like me. The horror stories are all too commonplace: someone invests in a “sure bet,” and loses everything. Pennies on the dollar, their lives ruined forever. Nobody saw it coming. Or, it was a rookie mistake. Whatever the case, the volatility of the stock market is as capricious as the unforgiving waters of the open ocean.
Trading stocks seems like a legal way to gamble. It’s not technically the same, but plenty of parallels exist between them. Besides, for the uninformed, choosing a stock can feel just as luck-based as a roulette table.
Like most writers, writing is my day job. It doesn’t pay much, but it makes my brain happy. Words can be fun to work with, even if we’re not racking in the dough. It’s fulfilling, and that’s important.
Did I mention it doesn’t pay much, though? We may gloss over that when justifying our life choices, but the lack of money still affects us. Writers aren’t immune to bills. Try as we might, the money is still an important factor — being fulfilled won’t keep the lights on.
To that end, I’ve been experimenting with other alternative ways of making money. A few months ago, I opened a…