Seeing Red When I Saw No Green

It’s called urbanisation

Adrienne Beaumont
The Creative Collective


Photo by Gene Gallin on Unsplash

I never write political stuff on Medium but on my way to the supermarket this morning, I noticed that a patch of native bushland in amongst houses that have been here for more than 30 years has been bulldozed. Not a single tree was left standing!

And where there was once a patch of green in suburbia there is now a couple of dozen houses being built. All double-storey mansions that only the indecently wealthy will be able to afford. It made me angry. I vote Green not because I’m a tree-hugging hippie but because I believe in a fairer distribution of wealth.

Why do some hard-working Australians live at or below the poverty line while the fat cats get fatter? It’s not fair, it’s not equitable. What is worse is that these insanely rich people manage to avoid paying tax while the rest of us are not exempt.

My daughter who runs her own little dog food business “invested” in some cryptocurrency last year and the few dollars she made have been discovered by the ATO and she has to declare it in her tax return.

I pay 30% of my Medium earnings to the Australian Tax Office while the media magnates pay next to nothing. It’s a case of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. If this is capitalism, I don’t want a bar of it.

So this morning when I saw what was a beautiful green bushland being turned into houses for the super-rich, I saw red and became even more determined to vote Green next weekend.



Adrienne Beaumont
The Creative Collective

I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.