We’ve Overlooked Music’s Power to Create Better Human Beings

Our kids could be superhumans

Pavle Marinkovic
The Creative Collective
3 min readJun 11, 2024


An AI-generated image with Dall-E

We’re missing out on crafting better human beings.

Imagine raising kids with sharper brains, bigger hearts, and the kind of emotional intelligence that could change the world.

That’s the untapped potential we’re throwing away by not incorporating music into children’s lives.

  • Parents and teachers who frequently sing and talk to children help them develop more phonemic awareness and larger vocabularies.
  • Elementary school kids with music education outperform peers in math, language, and other subjects.
  • Children who receive music instruction show a more advanced auditory system (which processes sound, language, and speech) than those who don’t get it.
  • Kids with regular musical exposure show a 20% increase in emotional intelligence and are 30% more resilient in stressful situations compared to those without musical exposure. One study tracked kids for over a decade revealing better social interactions and coping skills as teenagers.
  • Start music training before age 7 and you get kids with better focus, memory, and self-control, setting them up for a lifetime of emotional and cognitive resilience.

