Donald Trump Proposes Reasonable Foreign Policy Strategy

Matt Murphy
The Rankler
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2016

In an extremely well-thought out speech to a small gathering on Monday, Donald Trump laid out in satisfactory detail a foreign policy strategy that is reasonable and makes sense. Everything went exactly as planned as Trump stuck to the script, making sure to thoroughly explain each tenant of his posture towards threats abroad.

Trump made sure not to unnecessarily drum up the fear of ISIS or other often sensationalized terrorist groups since they don’t actually pose a direct threat to everyone’s day to day lifestyle. He stuck strictly to his simple policy plan: Continue coalition air campaigns in Syria and other affected territory while simultaneously working with the domestic Muslim community to win the ideological battle against extremists. Though Trump has criticized Obama’s use of “weaker” rhetoric when addressing ISIS he remained poised in his holistic and certainly not racist criticism of the terror group.

In a very normal and rational showing, Trump treated immigrants and minorities as human beings. He stressed an inclusive environment that does not infringe on any constitutional rights. He went on to criticize the core failings of his rival’s policy plans by attacking only their strategic pitfalls while making sure not to make any rash ad-hominem attacks on Hillary’s character.

“I’m not going to insult anyone here,” Trump assured, “We must stay strong and united as a country in the face of adversity.”

Trump cited significant amounts of fact-based evidence at his campaign rally and encouraged his supporters to do their research. His cadence was put-together and he spoke eloquently on issues of counter-terrorism and financial security. Though it would be easy to just throw around the idea that he is a successful businessman rather than actually proposing any minimally feasible economic platform, Trump made sure everyone was clear on the exact steps he would take to help boost the economy. Overall, the speech was uplifting and hopeful for the positive change that Trump will enact as Commander in Chief.

