IB Students Explore Downtown Austin on Fall Field Trip

STHS Journalism Dept
The Raven Post
Published in
4 min readJan 30, 2024

AUSTIN, Nov 16th On a breezy late-fall Thursday, IB Spanish and TOK students gathered in the parking lot of Sci-Tech Middle School, lingering in light jackets to stay comfortable in the cool 60-degree weather.

One of the student groups at the Austin Public Library.

Overcast skies loomed above as the group chatted animatedly in anticipation of their field trip adventures. They awaited Mr. Jasso to take attendance amongst the 23 seniors, 3 juniors and 2 teachers before departure.

Leaves skittered across the pavement, pushed by occasional wind gusts that prompted students to zip up their light jackets. Shifting their weight between feet, students were eager to get on the move to combat the autumn chill.

Once Mr. Jasso confirmed all attendees were present, the group marched toward the bus stop, scavenger hunt lists and cameras in hand. They were ready to explore Austin’s Capitol Grounds, Mexic-Arte Museum, and Public Library on this cloudy November day.

The group o left Sci-Tech Middle School at 8:00 AM on an Austin City Bus. The field trip was hosted by Mr. Jasso, the IB Spanish and Journalism teacher, and Ms. Dugé, the IB English and TOK teacher.

After a 45-minute bus ride downtown, students took a short break at Starbucks to enjoy coffee, use the restroom and prepare for their adventures. At Starbucks, students were divided into three groups and given a scavenger hunt to complete using the GooseChase app. The app contained various missions including taking specific photos, recording videos, and recreating the famous Beatles’ Abbey Road album cover.

Feeling caffeinated, the group headed to their first stop, the Capitol Grounds, where students spent over an hour completing the scavenger hunt, taking pictures and participating in activities. One memorable moment was getting piggyback rides from friendly strangers for a group selfie.

Following the Capitol, students stopped at Chick-fil-A for lunch and to rest. Some students like Daniel and Felipe used this time to continue with the scavenger hunt activities, engaging in an arm wrestle.

Senior Bryan M. posing for one of the pictures.

The next destination was the Mexic-Arte Museum, focused on traditional and contemporary Mexican, Latino, and Latin American art and culture. Students appreciated the Día de Muertos exhibit and received a tour from one of the museum guides. Scholar Leslie Canastuj got a piggyback ride from the tour guide as part of the scavenger hunt.

Leslie getting a Piggyback ride from one of the tour guides.

After the museum, the group traveled on foot to the Austin Public Library, with a quick pit stop at Toy Joy and Yummi Joy allowed by Mr. Jasso. At the library, students worked with teachers and staff to finish scavenger activities and some reflection questions using the library’s resources. Some students like Bryan became more engaged with the musical instruments in the Teen Center, attempting to play corridos, than with completing the actual assignment.

Seniors creating the famous Abby Road Album in Austin.

Overall, the fall field trip was enjoyable for both students and staff. It provided a nice break from routine while enabling learning, teamwork and exploration of Austin. Many students had positive feedback about the experience.

Senior Leo said, “I really enjoyed the trip and the break at Starbucks beforehand. The teachers made it fun too.”

Senior Mariana commented, “I liked it, I was able to talk with many of my friends. The art at the museum reminded me of my home in Mexico.”

When asked her thoughts, Ms. Dugé said, “The weather was a little chilly but it was enjoyable. Thanks to my seniors and four juniors, I was able to enjoy it as much as they did.”

Group of students on the capitol grounds during field trip.

After the full day of exploring Austin’s landmarks, learning about Mexican culture, and bonding over scavenger hunts and piggyback rides, the students returned to Sci-Tech Middle School. Parents picked them up one by one until the parking lot was empty, concluding the field trip.

Written by Daniela G. and Daneidi P.



STHS Journalism Dept
The Raven Post

Account run by Sci-Tech High School's Journalism Dept and Wayside Scholars.