The Mentor They Need: Mr. Res’s Commitment to Student Growth

Adriana Reyes
The Raven Post
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2024

As students shuffle into his classroom, getting ready for English class, Mr. Res warmly greets each one. “Make sure you have your notebooks out,” he says with a smile, “today we will be finishing up our analysis of The Florida Project.” He dims the lights and class begins, the scholars fully engaged.

Mr. Res, engaging students with the intricacies of English grammar, exemplifies passion and dedication in high school education. Photo: Aydah T., Adriana R & Elizabeth M.

Going Above and Beyond: Mr. Res’s Dedication to Student Success

Mr. Res is a dedicated English teacher for freshmen and sophomores at Sci-Tech High School. More than just teaching literature, he strives to prepare scholars for future success — not only academically but in life.

From helping seniors polish their college applications and personal statements to working with underclassmen on standardized test preparation, Mr. Res makes it his mission to help students reach their full potential.

As an educator guiding scholars on their academic journeys, Mr. Res has become an indispensable part of the Sci-Tech community.

He advises students on college and career pathways tailored to their skills and interests. He also provides test preparation for exams like the ACT and SAT, equipping students with valuable skills for college admissions and beyond.

Fellow teacher Mr. Maldonado, who sometimes substitutes for Mr. Res, observes his unique and effective teaching methods firsthand: “He uses modern-day music to help students break down concepts in English.”

By incorporating multimedia that is familiar and relevant to teens, Mr. Res stimulates focus and deeper learning.

Sophomore Sophie credits Mr. Res for her academic turnaround. “Last year I was really struggling with English,” she admits, “but this year I have an A in his class!” She also believes the ACT practice he facilitates is invaluable.

“He times the test sections which helps us with pacing and time management,” notes Sophie. Such exam preparation refinement promotes reading comprehension, concentration, and testing endurance that will benefit students for years to come.

Leveling the Playing Field: Mr. Res Ensures Equal Opportunities

Why does Mr. Res push scholars to such high standards?

In his words: “I teach these challenging texts because I know they’re part of college curriculums. If I assign less work because I think you can’t handle it, I would be selling you short.”

His aim is to ready pupils for the academic rigors of higher education, equip them with the same advantages as students from privileged backgrounds, and empower scholarly self-confidence.

Unlike many, Mr. Res intimately understands the college landscape with first handexperience. He explains how expensive test prep services give some students an unfair advantage for admissions.

“Those kids will be the ones who go to college. That’s why I teach ACT skills in my classes — so every student has the same opportunities.”

With great dedication, Mr. Res shepherds students toward fruitful futures. From literature analysis to test taking techniques, he provides academic enrichment that many pupils would otherwise lack.

Without this passionate educator guiding them, countless Sci-Tech scholars would miss out on chances to realize their highest potential.

Written by Aydah T., Adriana R & Elizabeth M.

