A Teacher’s Perspective: A Candid Conversation with Ms. Roszypal

The Raven Post
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2023

As students at Sci-Tech High School, we often wonder what it’s really like to be a teacher. Do teachers form strong relationships with every student? How do they perceive the school community? To uncover these mysteries, we interviewed Ms. Roszypal, who generously shared her candid thoughts and experiences.

Building Connections: Students vs. Peers

One intriguing aspect we explored was how teachers connect with both students and their fellow educators. When asked, “Is it hard making connections with teachers?” Ms. Roszypal shared, “I tend to be shyer with my peers than with students. I think it’s because I strive to maintain professionalism with them. However, I recognize the importance of opening up more.” She emphasized that establishing rapport with students is her top priority, especially in the initial months of the school year. This approach highlights her dedication but also suggests that building relationships with colleagues can be more challenging due to professional boundaries and limited interactions outside of class.

The Journey to Teaching

Curious about her career choice, we asked, “Did you always want to be a teacher, or was it a decision you made later?” Ms. Roszypal responded, “My decision crystallized after transferring to UCF, two years into my college journey. What drove me was my passion for helping students enhance their artistic skills and witnessing their joy in learning.” This passion led to a follow-up question about any potential career changes. “While I don’t regret becoming a teacher, after eight to nine years, the job can become somewhat repetitive. Exploring fields like college art or museum work would be intriguing,” she admitted.

Through this interview, we gained valuable insights into a teacher’s life at Sci-Tech High School — insights that often remain unspoken. Ms. Roszypal’s honesty and openness provided us with a deeper understanding of the dedication and challenges teachers face in their careers.

