Daily Catch

The Raw Prawn
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2017

Mate, bring a plate - finally a bit of news worthy of a rage: one journo’s suggesting Tom Brady could finally be calling it quits.

You little ripper. Yeah, I know his theory’s a bit of a dog’s breakfast, but if there’s even a chance Brady is ready to say hoo-roo, bloody oath, I’ll latch onto that yarn like a goanna to a lamb. Brady’s been at it for yonks, and I’ll be happy as Larry when that big sook finally decides to shoot through.

More quarterback news...Derek Carr says the Raiders can’t get him on the blower once training camp ends, if they don’t give him the big bikkies first. To Reggie McKenzie, I say: don’t knock him back. It was a bit of punt to take him in the second round back in 2014, but that scratchy’s come good, and it’s time to give him a quid.

It’s like Neighbours in Dallas right now with all the drama. First David Irving was sprung for PEDs, and now Nolan Carroll’s been thrown in the booze bus after getting on the grog. You can’t let leaders like Barry Church and Brandon Carr bail and not expect it to be open slather in the change rooms. Jerry Jones and his offsiders need to organise a muster to rope those hoons in.

And I gotta say I’m grinning like a shot fox to see Marshawn Lynch back out on the paddock. He was stuffed after his time in Seattle and needed a gap year, but you always suspected he’d rock up in Oakland ready to hit the pitch. And a nice welcome home prezzie from Charles Woodson - what a top bloke.

