The 5 Side Hustles To Start Now

You know how we love side hustles at REACH.

The REACH Chronicles
3 min readJul 24, 2018


The idea of having more money in the bank is loved but not all are willing to do what it takes to bring that to fruition. After you’ve read this article, you’ll find that the only thing you ever need to manipulate to increase your active income is your time.

  1. Consulting: Do you have a professional skill that’s lying dormant? Maybe you were an auditor in a past life; a writer or editor wordsmith; a personal coach or other human resource guru. Maybe you’ve got skills in engineering drafting; concept design; web design and such. Whatever your skill, there might be firms that can’t afford someone like you on a full-time basis, but can definitely handle a consulting engagement.
    Hint: Those friends who always come to you for work or business advice are your first customers.

2. Agriculture: Your parents did it. Your uncles and aunties did it. It’s now time for you to start that poultry, catfish, vegetable, or other farming business that isn’t very time-intensive. It’s even better if your spouse spends most days at home — that’s your first employee right there!

3. Teaching & Daycare: If you’re a teacher and you aren’t giving extra lessons in your home, we don’t know what to even say to you. Even if you’re not a professional teacher, do you have afternoons and weekends relatively free? Then you could help students prepare for their exams, or run an after-school program. Parents are always looking for fun ways to occupy their kids’ free time.

4. Event Planning: If you find yourself naturally great at organizing people, this might be right up your alley. Start small with birthday parties and church events. Who knows, you just might have found your next calling.

Go get ’em child.

5. Food: Yes, food. Does your office or office building have a reliable food source? Could your side hustle be the one providing breakfast, lunch, or snacks to the building?

Yes! We brought him back.

There are even more ideas out there. What side hustle have you started? Share your stories with us — we’d love to add them to this list.

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The REACH Chronicles

REΛCH is a personal finance app that helps you track your expenses, set weekly budgets & shows you insights on how to better manage your money