Read Medium on your Kindle

A short tutorial on how to read Medium articles on your Kindle.

Manuel Hanel
2 min readFeb 25, 2014

Edit: As mentioned by Vincenzo Belpiede and a few others, Readability is no longer available. And therefore there is no recipe on IFTTT anymore.

I love Medium. I love my Kindle Paperwhite. I love the possibilities of IFTTT. And I want to read Medium on my Kindle. Here’s how you do it.

  1. Choose the collection or author you want to read on your Kindle. According to Medium FAQ you can get the RSS feed of any collection or author. If you want to see the feed of, just make it
  2. Go to IFTTT and look for rss readability in the Browse section. The first result should be this recipe.
  3. Fill in the feed URL. Click on Use Recipe.
  4. (Repeat steps 1 to 3 for as many collections/authors as you want.)
  5. Change your Kindle settings on Readability. Set your Kindle e-mail address and enable the daily digest if you want (I receive articles at 4am and have them ready every morning.). Finally, you have to add the readability e-mail address to your Kindle settings. You’ll receive an e-mail with detailed instructions from Amazon if it isn’t already in your approved addresses list.
  6. Enjoy reading Medium on your Kindle =)!

Tip: You could also use IFTTT and Evernote to store medium articles. Just search for a readability evernote.



Manuel Hanel

Web Developer, Sales & Consulting at foryouandyourcustomers, interested in (web) design, photography and a bunch of other things