How to create a simple REST web-service with Node, AWS Lambda and the Serverless Framework

James Robinson
The Reading Room
Published in
8 min readAug 15, 2017

In this article I will explain how to create a REST web-service that is written with Node.js and deployed to AWS Lambda λ. I’m also going to use the Serverless Framework ⚡ to make the deployment really easy.

TL;DR: Write some JavaScript function to be called (your service), write a function to handle the HTTP request which looks like this, create a small serverless.yaml file and run serverless deploy. Voila, cloud code.

Example code:

Services upon services

What better way to use this powerful microservice platform than to create a service that just calls another service 😁 In this case I’m going to create a REST web-service that gets e-mails from an e-mail server (classic POP3) and allows you to send mail. It’s practically useless, but I like the idea of POSTing an e-mail.

What I want at the end of this is to have a lovely scalable fault-tolerant web-service with these end-points:

GET /emails To get a list of e-mails in your inbox (header details)
GET /emails/{index} To get a particular e-mail (body and all)
POST /emails To send an email

…which accept and return JSON.

AWS Lambda functions can only be invoked/triggered via another AWS service. For example, they can be triggered by a document added to a DynamoDB or an S3 event, or something to be processed on an SQS queue. But what we want to do is process requests sent to an HTTP endpoint, which we can create in the AWS API Gateway.

The API Gateway can allow you to configure the allowed structure of requests sent to endpoints, allowing the gateway to validate them for you, provide error responses, HTTP response codes etc. This requires a lot of configuration. However, to simplify things and allow you to handle all of that in your application instead, AWS introduced ‘Proxy Integration’ to the API Gateway. This means you can now choose the option of “Configure as proxy resource” and the whole HTTP request will get sent to your Lambda function. In turn, your function must return not only the response content, but the HTTP status code and any headers you want to return. The gateway does as little as possible.

JavaScript stuff

So I’ve created a JavaScript module (EmailServices.js) that exposes these functions:

  • getEmails(): Array [{index, from, subject, date}]
    Returns an array of the latest 10 e-mails sitting on your e-mail server (excluding the body)
  • getEmail(index): {from, subject, date, body}
    Gives you the specified e-mail
  • sendEmail({from, to, subject, body})
    Sends an e-mail

…and I like it so much that I want to open it up to the world. I will use the Serverless framework to help me achieve that.


The first thing to do when using the Serverless Framework is to create a serverless.yaml. This tells it what Lambda functions you want, what events you want to trigger them (e.g. http, s3, schedule), what HTTP methods you want to use, what AWS security group to put them into, etc. The options offered to you for this file are explained a bit here and very comprehensively here, but this is a very minimal one:

# Serverless definition file
# — — — — — — — — — — — — —
# Defines Lambda functions to be deployed to AWS using the Serverless Framework.
service: email-servicesprovider:
name: aws
runtime: nodejs6.10
region: eu-west-2
memorySize: 128
timeout: 30
environment: ${file(env.yml):${self:provider.stage}}
handler: lambdahandlers.getEmail
- http:
path: emails/{id}
method: get
- ‘*’

[My one in full]

In the provider section you specify the environment we want to deploy to. One of the great features of the Serverless Framework is the abstraction it gives you across different platforms. This is a clever solution to make your choice of platform less important; If Azure turns out to be more cost effective in a years time, it’s nice to have that switch option without much pain.

Environment variables

It’s worth noting the environment bit in that YAML:

environment: ${file(env.yml):${self:provider.stage}}

This is a way of providing some environment variable values for our deployed code. That line is telling Serverless to insert values from a file called env.yml (example), specifically the object within that file named after our ‘deployment stage’. Whenever we deploy code to AWS with Serverless it will deploy it to a particular ‘stage’. The default is ‘dev’. This is a mechanism used in API Gateway and Serverless to help organise the different deployment stages of your project. You may have Production, QA, UAT, and wish to deploy code to each of those environments separately. So in my project I have a file called env.yml that contains YAML like this:

# — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -
# Environment variables
# — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

EMAIL_POP3_PASSWORD: “blahblahblahblah”
EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD: “blahblahblahblah”

(It’s not committed to GitHub repo, so if you are playing along, you’ll need to write your own)

These values will be applied as environment variables within the Lambda process. I’ll use those variables later to configure the EmailServices module.

Lambda handlers

In the serverless.yaml file, for each Lambda function, you can specify things like the HTTP method to handle (get, post, etc.), origins that the API Gateway should accept requests from (e.g. ‘*’ when you just don’t care) and what the REST endpoint path will look like. You also need to specify a JavaScript function that will handle it. These functions may have the following responsibilities:

  • pulling parameters out of the request
    (event.pathParameters or event.queryStringParameters)
  • pulling out the request body (event.body)
  • pulling authority headers out of the request, to be checked (event.headers.Authorization)
  • creating a response from whatever comes out of your services
    (e.g. { statusCode:200, headers:{}, body: {} })

In my case, serverless is going to expect to find a JavaScript module lambdaHandlers.js which exports a function called getEmail. Don’t try putting it in a folder and referring to it like handlers/lambda.getEmail or anything like that; It won’t work, so keep it alongside serverless.yaml.

These Lambda handler functions will get called with the following three parameters:

  • event — Object containing details about the request (headers, parameters, user-agent etc. — Example)
  • context — Object containing details about your lambda function and the environment. (Example)(
  • callback — to be called with your response to be sent back to the client. Because we are using the Proxy mode of the API Gateway, the object we return needs to have a statusCode, headers object and a body.

So I’ve created a file called lambdaHandlers.js and I’ve created functions like this in it:

getEmail : (event, context, callback) => {
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false
const emailServices = createEmailServices()
// Get the index parameter out of the event
const index =
.then(email => {
// Create a ‘success’ response object containing the e-mail we
// got back from emailServices.getEmail()

callback(null, responses.success(email))
.catch(error => {
callback(null, responses.error(error))

Worth mentioning…

context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop — Basically, always set this to false unless you understand the Node.js event loop and are confident that your code and its dependencies don’t leave any setInterval or process.nextTick stuff waiting around. If not, your lambda function will not “complete” (even if you call the callback) and you will receive a timeout error from your lambda function. There used to be a context.succeed() method, but this has been deprecated.

const emailServices = createEmailServices() — This is a function I created to get the environment variables and pass them to EmailServices:

function createEmailServices() {  // Configure e-mail services
const emailServices = new EmailServices(

...and so on.

So all I need to do in lambdaHandlers.js now is add my other two functions to handle getEmails and sendEmail, plus have a couple of template response objects…

const responses = {
success: (data={}, code=200) => {
return {
'statusCode': code,
'headers': responseHeaders,
'body': JSON.stringify(data)
error: (error) => {
return {
'statusCode': error.code || 500,
'headers': responseHeaders,
'body': JSON.stringify(error)

…and sort out the response headers to allow for cross-origin requests:

const responseHeaders = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
// Required for CORS support to work
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
// Required for cookies, authorization headers with HTTPS
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': true

In full: lambdaHandlers.js

Once we have those functions in place then we can first try calling them locally to make sure they behave.

Invoking locally

Install the serverless CLI so we can just call it from the command-line:

npm install -g serverless

…and then use it like this:

serverless invoke local -f getEmail

Append -p 'example.json' if you want to send any parameters or body to your function. The JSON file needs to look something like:

"body": "{\"from\": \"\",\"to\": \"\",\"subject\": \"Lambda\",\"body\": \"Just saying.\"}",
"pathParameters": {},
"headers": {}

Note that the body gets passed in as a string, so you have to (unfortunately) serialise it in the JSON file in one messy line.

If you are happy that your functions handle requests as you see fit, deploy them. Deploy them now.


We need to give Serverless some credentials to mess around with our AWS account. There’s a guide here and even a video, but basically…

Create an AWS account if you haven’t already. You then need to go into the IAM section and create a new user for your account that Serverless will use to create your new Lambda and API Gateway services for you. This needs to be a user with ‘programmatic access’ (i.e. a user that uses the AWS API rather than the console webpage). Serverless recommends that you give your new user the full AdministratorAccess policy, which seems excessive. Depending on your paranoia, you can either do this or use the Access Advisor in IAM to narrow down which policies it needs. But it needs a lot of them, so just make a copy (or download the CSV) of the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key and keep them very, very safe somewhere.

There are several ways you can then provide these keys to Serverless. My favourite way is to create a file called credentials (no extension) in a directory called .aws within your home directory. (e.g. C:\Users\LeroyJenkins\.aws\credentials) and add these lines to it:


Replace those keys with the access key ID and secret key you made a copy of earlier.

Now get back into your project directory and call this:

serverless deploy --aws-profile serverless

If our plan has come together it should list some endpoints that have been created, like these:


…boom 💥, serverless code cluttering up the cloud somewhere. A tidy little low cost, fault tolerant microservice. It provides a service nobody wanted, but it is there, just in case.


If you do get any problems with your services not doing what you expect, a good place to start is to go into the AWS Console and find:

API Gateway → APIs → <your API> → Stages → <dev, or whatever>

…and Enable CloudWatch Logs for your service. The logs can be found in the CloudWatch part of the AWS Console. Any console.log()/stdout/stderr logs will end up there, just beware the extra costs that can be accrued if you get a lot of logs (currently $0.57 per GB ingested, $0.03 per GB archived per month). Alternatively, in your application use something like Papertrail to write out logs to their service, which is free for up to 100MB.

Let me know how it goes for you.

