Ask and Ye Shall Receive?

Aaron Dignan
The Ready


I recently announced that I’m writing a book on how and why to adopt self-organization (and the imminent death of bureaucracy and management). It’s straight talk about the struggle to create an organization (company, foundation, school, church, etc.) that runs itself. It will celebrate adaptivity, meaning, and abundance. As is my custom, I’m going to do my best to bring it all together and make simple sense of the forces, changes, and approaches colliding as we reimagine how we work.

However, as I embark on the research process, I would be so grateful to hear from each of you the questions that you’d like this book to answer. What are your concerns? Where are you stuck? What are you curious about? What would you need to hear to take the leap? What hasn’t been said (or said loud enough) by the dozens of books that have already shaped this movement?

Share your question(s) by leaving a response or a private note on this article. I’ll send a free copy of the book (when published) to the owners of the five best questions.

To get early access to the book’s content and a chance to pre-order before anyone else, visit



Aaron Dignan
The Ready

Founder @theready and @murmur, investor, friend to misfit toys. Author of Brave New Work and co-host of the Brave New Work podcast.