May Home Prices in Las Vegas Show Unexpected Decline


Las Vegas has long been known as a city of excitement and opportunity. But when it comes to the real estate market, May has brought a surprising twist this year. Traditionally, home prices in Las Vegas tend to rise in May, reflecting the city’s bustling nature and growing appeal. However, recent data shows a slight decline, challenging expectations and offering intriguing insights for homebuyers and local residents alike.

Key Developments in May

Home Prices

In May, the median listing price for homes in Las Vegas fell slightly to $472,475. While still slightly above the national average, this change is noteworthy. The price per square foot remained practically unchanged compared to the previous month, indicating a market that is stable but not growing as expected.


The number of homes available for sale in Las Vegas grew by 2%, reaching 3,752 listings. This increase is smaller than usual for this time of the year, suggesting a shift in market dynamics. Interestingly, homes are selling faster than they were at the same time last year, highlighting a demand that remains strong despite the slight dip in prices.

National Comparison

When we compare these trends with the national market, the differences become even more pronounced. Nationally, home prices increased by 1.3% in May, showing a healthy growth trajectory. In contrast, Las Vegas’s stagnant price per square foot and the modest increase in inventory highlight a market that is lagging behind the broader U.S. real estate trends.

Las Vegas vs. National Market

These figures suggest that while Las Vegas remains an attractive market, it may be experiencing unique challenges that are slowing its growth relative to the national scene.

Implications for Homebuyers and Local Residents

Opportunities for Buyers

For potential homebuyers, the current market presents a unique opportunity. The slight decline in prices and the steady inventory growth mean there could be more room for negotiation and finding a good deal. If you’ve been considering buying a home in Las Vegas, now might be an ideal time to explore your options.

Community Insights

Local residents and homeowners should stay informed about these trends. While the market is experiencing some fluctuations, the overall demand remains strong. Homes are selling faster than last year, indicating that Las Vegas continues to be a desirable place to live.


The unexpected decline in home prices in Las Vegas this May offers a compelling snapshot of the city’s real estate market. While traditionally a period of growth, this year presents a moment of stability and opportunity. For homebuyers and local residents, understanding these dynamics is crucial for making informed decisions.

At Dr. Jan Duffy REALTOR, we’re dedicated to providing you with the latest insights and trends to help you navigate the Las Vegas real estate market. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or simply stay informed, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.

Call to Action: Ready to explore the Las Vegas real estate market? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover the opportunities waiting for you.



Dr. Jan Duffy "The Good To Know Realtor®"
The Real Estate Insight by Dr. Jan Duffy

🏢🌇 Realtor in Las Vegas, Summerlin, Henderson, Spring Valley? Look no further! I'm Dr. Jan Duffy REALTOR. Let's make your Vegas Nevada dream a reality! 🏠