The Reality Files #02

Morton Heilig’s Sensorama Simulator (1962)

Aki Järvinen
The Reality Files


This post is part of ‘Reality files’, a series where I read research papers that focus on immersive and multisensory technologies, such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Extended Reality (‘XR’), and Haptics. I intend to produce a chronological reading of at least 25 papers, from 1960s to the 2020s.

I have tried to choose papers that have been influential or focus on topics that I have identified as important while working with these technologies. I am also aiming at a diversity of authors and topics. A disclaimer regarding this selection is that I do not have access to academic journals behind paywalls, and therefore I have not been able to include some papers I would have liked to. However, I welcome readers recommending and/or sending me papers — thank you!

Sensorama is a seminal innovation in the history of immersive media and technology. It incorporated sight, sound, haptic, and smell into a multisensory interactive experience.

Flyer (link)

Watch Morton Heilig’s Sensorama Promo from late 1980’s on Vimeo



Aki Järvinen
The Reality Files

Technologist, PhD., aspiring Ethicist. Now Unexamined Technology on Substack. In my past, various immersive technology write-ups in The Reality Files, etc.