Are you OUT THERE? (Are YOU out there?) [Are you OUT there?] {Are you out THERE?}

7 min readMar 19, 2016

A thought crossed my mind as I ripped through the piece of glutinous wheat bread I was vigorously masticating. (Damn your dirty mind, pay attention.)

One of my theories is that we experience time very differently as humans, and this is represented through personality differences and concepts such as the divine masculine and divine feminine — spacetime geometry is personality is cognition.

This, of course, is nearly impossible to prove, because if the theory is basically “we are a cybernetic organic uncertainty device where the whole point is kind of ‘nothing can ever be completely known’ the very idea that this whole thing can be perfectly defined is itself, impossible.

Realistically, if we knew exactly how everything worked, and the entire engine of the universe is a series of unknown interactions to be navigated, then really, all we have is the mystery of life.

But, if on top of that, we were connected to differing degrees at various angles (or shutter angles to use a photography concept) to various times and other probabilities all overlapping into something we call “the now” this would explain pretty much everything.. Time, UFOs, spirituality, science, why we fight, the nature of good and evil etc etc etc, Time would just stop.

Everything would be known.

But there’s this weird thing about gnosis. It’s both something that is dangerous — KNOWING all the information in the universe would mean the whole thing would stop, and yet NOT KNOWING means nothing would mean anything, nothing would have context.

It’s these opposing forces that are at the center of the universe, always doing battle, and they’re connected in a way that is logical, and weirdly consistent with ideas from ancient religions such as Kabbalah, Babylonian religions, Christianity, Islam — essentially all of them.

If we agree to the simple conceit that “the shape of the thing is ultimately unknowable.”

It’s the metaphorical equivalent both of the Jewish tradition of not writing the name of G_D, and also the Muslim tradition of not showing an image of the prophet muhammed.


Christianity created the “rock star” model of reality, where some avatar is the living embodiment of the universe — his name is the Pope, ladies and gentlemen, and he’s still around — you can fucking tweet him for CHRIST SAKE. But he’s just a fallible man, and that’s kinda the point.

We got too good at self promotion.

Our Apologetics get us lost in Translation, constantly.

We are LIVING the story of the Tower of Babel. It’s really terrifying when you can see it. Everyone talking past each other, saying mostly the same things.

All of these stories from all of these books are TRUE. They have so much meaning, that when assembled into “the super best friends” model, there is so much power and beauty into all of their wisdom assembled into one.

It is the story of the Avengers, but for real.

We could be Heroes.

That is the message of salvation, I think. That’s the part the Christians got right — In fact, one very human named Jesus might have got it just a little bit TOO right. Justin Bieber, Shia Labeouf and Kanye know what I’m saying.

It’s like “overshooting” salvation. Televangelists did the SHIT out of that in the 80’s. Pat Robertson thought he was going to win the Presidency — God was on his side and he was like “God told me I’m gonna be king of the world!” And now that guy supports Donald Trump, and Christians everywhere are having to ask them self, “What exactly does it mean to be a Christian, again? Cause I’m fuckin confused.” Or at least, that’s what they SHOULD be saying.

I’m pretty sure that’s the real “DaVinci Code” We can all be THE CHRIST — we just have to imagine a world where we all get to be superheroes, but we all have to actually learn to love each other….but we learn the process of learning to love one another becomes the thing that saves you.

Dude was trying to say “we can all be together in a fucking Utopia” and his own people KILLED him for saying it.

We did the same damned thing OVER AND OVER in the 60’s to the point where people became to afraid to say the hard things — political correctness has kept us safe, all right. Too safe. We can’t talk about reality anymore.

We have created a VEIL on reality.

This is the thing, the big ol metaphor in revelation- It’s a REVALATION, (yay!) not a REVOLUTION (Scary, people have to die!)

We can lift the veil and see the kind of world all the prophets wanted us to live in — or we can keep saying our own way of seeing the world is THE WAY, and THOSE OTHER PEOPLE ARE MORE IGNORANT THAN ME.

It’s ridiculous, really. We can use our words and fix our planet. We just have to accept some hard facts that we have all been the bad guy to varying degrees at some point in history, and we all have to ask ourselves the very real and nearly impossible question:

Am I being Voldemort?

We all want to be the heroes of our stories, but we have to admit we can become just one of the many CHRISTS.

The secret is not to learn to be like some guy from a story book. The secret is to learn to be the best people we can on this planet right here, right now.

That’s the thing, and nothing else.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

But if we really looked at ourselves, we wouldn’t love what we found — and that might be what we’re reflecting back at the world right now and it might not be pretty.

I don’t know why it’s so hard to say peace is actually possible, as if it were just as simple as building a universal translator — but see that’s the thing, there can never be such a thing, for enough of the mystery must always be preserved, the best we can do is continue to try harder to approximate what it’s like to be others unlike ourselves, as we can never truly know what it’s like to be in someone else’s place — and I’m sure that sentiment is expressed through all the religious texts.

I’m sorry if my views offend you, I truly am. I want to try to build the best bridge towards your place as possible — is the only solution “some people will never agree, so we might as well fight it out to the death? Is that really the best option?”

Is the only solution “I know I’m right and everyone else is wrong?” I struggle with this constantly, while knowing that I cannot see everything and know I’m right, there is part of me that just “knows” this is right — to say these things is right. If you agree with my words, it won’t offend you for me to say “it feels like the will of [God/The Universe.]” If you disagree, you’ll either think I am foolish or evil.

But in any case, I ask those who “do not believe there is a God” to consider this possibility — what if the thing the devout call god is simply a more organic, heuristic understanding of the connection to the Cosmos.

What if movement such as yoga or the muslims kneeling for prayer, or military drills or ballet classes or tribal dancing is a way of synchronizing part of a species, that makes them feel like more of a “hive mind”?

What if that connectivity, the way birds move in a flock, “Feels” like something? A Flow?

What if every thing we consumed was connected through spacetime into a network that our bodies digest over time, and we stand in particular positions in spacetime and subconscious, sublingual parts of our brains “sensed” the world around us — and it affected all of our interactions?

Sounds a lot like the holy ghost, only with electromagnetism and gravitational waves, maybe? Isn’t it cool how our bodies keep various viscosities and densities of liquid within it in varying sizes with various nerves connected to a central cortex of processing at all times?

Like maybe we’re a gyroscope of gyroscopes connected to other gyroscopes and we move around like a giant pulsating ball of gyroscopes that looks something like a flock of birds?

There’s a shape forming that some people can see and some can’t. It’s like a transporter in Star Trek the Next Generation swirling into existence.

There are “composite” worldviews forming that don’t look quite like anything that’s been popular, but negotiating this reorganization is going to SUCK. The center will not hold on this one — we’re either going to have to have some really hard talks or we’re going to kill each other.

I’d much prefer to go the talk route, but the lack of attention span is killing us — all this information out here, and we can’t communicate it to each other.

There is a disturbance in the force.

It may be intentional, it may be a conspiracy, or it could just be “nobody has quite figured all this out quite yet and we need some more time.”

But I am uncomfortable not at least TRYING to say something at this point. North Korea and Iran are doing missile tests for crying out loud and we’re completely ignoring what’s going on.

Something is rotten in the state of denmark, but we can’t even talk about the difficult issues.

So I keep shouting into the void, hoping I make contact with others who can see the thing, and still talk.




The Space Cadet; A living humanity meets technology multimedia art project. Don't panic, you're already there. Coming soon: & r/spacecadet