Designs are underway. readme.file #pre-alpha

8 min readMay 17, 2018


I really wish you wouldn’t skim this, but I’m pretty sure nobody knows how not to, anymore. Thanks terms and conditions.

Thu May 17th, 2018

This is both the present landing page for, and an explanation of what’s going on, as best as I can presently explain it. You are reading the introduction to the culmination of a 7 year project that sits on the back of a project that started before my first memories.

Whatever state the Space Cadet Project is in, this page should tell you, and archive the previous versions.

The Project.

My universe cracked open back in 2012, thanks to a series of ideas I’d been putting together as a book starting the previous year. It seems the world was not ready for my ideas. For better and worse, I believe that we are now, and landing this will be difficult. I’ve given myself the permission to fail my expectations, but not to crash and burn.

When my external paradigm shifted, in a kind of out-of-body way, I realized many things about myself from the outside in, so I unintentionally unspooled myself haphazardly, causing a kind of glitch out and reboot from who I was to who I am.

I was saved.

But I wasn’t saved by any of the storybook interpretations of complex, treasured and still meaningful ancient works. I’ve subsequently learned that once you’re saved, you’re not saved forever. But that’s its own story, called Super Save Me, that will be rewritten.

The problem is, once I changed for the better overall, nobody knew who I was, rather literally. It sucked, and so did I.

I am trying to start a really important conversation. I do not want to launch a platform, I do not want a job as a media celebrity personality, I don’t want to beg for Patreon supporters, I do not want to be President, I simply want enough of the right people to ‘click’ on what I’m saying in fairly rapid succession, in order to ignite a complex productive discussion, and potentially help in avoiding annihilation. And hopefully not causing it.

Maybe I just have an overactive imagination, I dunno. Could go either way. Or both. Or neither.

The core concept means that I must lead people with very different perspectives to the same point at the same time by different means, so that they can all look in the mirror together. And I started writing a road map years ago, and I’m trying to tie it all together now, interlinked and surfable.

Space is living project, told in serial form, that has a definite lifespan and ending, though I cannot yet estimate the date. Looking forward, this will not be a ‘years’ scale project, I don’t think. Certainly no more than 1 year or so. Looking back, however, who knows how long my browser history is?

By allowing myself to allow you to watch me making this, everything seemed to take shape.

The project is connecting the dots of the scattered ideas, observations and stories as best I can, drawing it all up into a kind of curated index, hopefully leading everyone eventually to the same summary. I certainly won’t be able to reach everyone, and that is important. No one can reach everyone, but you can reach others who can reach others.

I am trying to write a personal and universal codex through time. Or at least that’s what I recently realized I’d been doing for some time now.

My aims haven’t changed for those who’ve been watching quietly. For those that haven’t, for a while now, I’ve had a ‘theory of the universe’ that I think is elegant, revolutionary, and incomplete — that’s sort of the deal, but it’s nearly impossible to explain in person to an audience of one, let alone published for an ultimately unknown audience, who is ready to judge what I am saying before they even read it.

Yes, you. You know you do that, and you know you do it worse today than you did a decade ago. You started judging the moment you read the headline, didn’t you? What if your assumptions were completely blinding you to the thing I’m really saying, while you look for trigger words to validate your assumptions?

I need you to know that I know that you either already think I’m crazy or will probably think I’m crazy at some point soon — and I hope I can explain my way out of it.

A few of the most important ideas I’ll attempt to relate will sound ridiculous or impossible. The trouble is, different people think different things are ridiculous or impossible. Modern technoseculars believe the religious are deluded. The religiously devout believe the same of Atheists. I believe the answer is that they are both right and both wrong.

How do I explain to readers with directly opposing viewpoints that their respective viewpoints combined obscure a greater shared truth?

When explaining this very idea won’t I be stuck inside those very limitations, forcing my own opposition? Who would accept my saying “It is impossible for you to see this truth.”? Is it possible saying this to both sides together in just the right way will somehow allow both to see it?

Perhaps I can design a way to lead different perspectives along different paths to the same conclusion, allowing them to wind along their individual maze to arrive at the same destination as all of the others.

I would need to create a magic trick that distracts from distraction, one that reveals rather than hides.

As I write this paragraph, It’s May 15th, 2018 at 6pm. I’m writing this introduction as well as an entry-point-article titled ‘The Timely Miracle of Deep Throat,’ which targets a relatively small potential audience, but one who might be interested in following this mysterious life-meets-art project, and who is definitely capable.

Many will need some context on who I am and what what exactly this explosion of fragments — writing, video, pictures, drawings, photos — is all supposed to be.

I have realized what I’m going to do with it, and how I will attempt to make it connect. I will begin to attach all of the pieces of this giant thing I’ve been working on for a decade and link to them ultimately from

I’ll use bits of multimedia, pre existing, new, and mixed together, tracing a web of ideas until I feel that I’ve summed up this thing the best I can, and then I’ll lock the site, never to change it again.

The very act of creating this *is* the art project. I think it will be much more interesting to watch live, as anyone may participate, although by its very meta nature, the journey should be preserved. It is possible that later context will provide needed perspective, or that time will degrade its meaning.

No day but today.

Once I’ve reached the center of the maze, and connected all of the entry points I’ve created as well as I can, everything will be there, and I can walk away.

It will at least be a reflection of a really weird time in human history, or simply of a period of time in my own life.

I need to make a case that making a claim that by its very nature is grandiose is not itself grounds for dismissing the possibility it’s true.

I’ll need to fully consider the possibility that I’m an arrogant asshole who is ironically missing something huge because of his pride.

For a very wide range of subjects, I believe I can intertwine experiences, knowledge, and theories that could bridge these gaps, though many societal blindspots seem insurmountable.

I’ll need to explain why I believe I can make such claims. And I’ll need to make you believe, too — at least a little. Just to see how it connects.

So, I will need to explain my ideas in bite size pieces, such as the tracing-paper gradiated theory of time and probability — using none of those words.

I’ll need to show how it can both fit existing worldviews, and also explain how seemingly conflicting ideologies can both fit under one construct that isn’t simply “they are wrong,” whoever one thinks ‘they’ are.

Sometimes both ‘sides’ accidentally collude against true resolution because of parallel secrets that keeps both sides doubling down, so as not to face the truth. Dueling false realities are created, obscuring the more honest shared reality. I think there are few who can see the scope of things that I can. Very few.

And I need to say things like this in a way that isn’t attention-seeking for attention’s sake. I’m well aware how this looks like extreme and sometimes desperate overcompensation for insecurity. It both is and is not at all.

I’ll need to seriously consider whether my essentially thinking nearly everyone is wrong is hypocritical and/or dangerous.

I’ll need to accept the paradox that the ‘success’ of this project could simply prove that I will be isolated and alone, perhaps even more than before, but I have new hope that will not be the case, and I accept that a very good outcome for most is truly possible, but tenuous.

Historically, many who have spoken dangerous truths that threaten existing hierarchy are destroyed by doing so, in one way or another.

I am taking on huge, dark forces here. Much of the darkness is ignorance, shame, and fear, and much of it depends on you individual perception of the reality you and I now share across keystrokes and time.

I have come to realize I am the ultimate Space Cadet. At some point, I sound ‘out there’ to almost every one I talk to, and if you’ve come this far, I’m fairly certain you’ll agree. I have come to accept the blessings and the curses that come along with this journey on the fringes.

I’d subconsciously grabbed this ring when I picked up the domain many years ago. Since then, I have grown so much more into the perfect embodiment of that word, on several different levels, for good and bad, really.

It is the ultimate vanity domain. Perhaps my owning it will allow others to see the me who has been trapped by both action and circumstance. And also the me who has soared for the same reasons.

Don’t Panic. You’re already there.

I realized I no longer had to wait for personal satisfaction approaching perfection to feel I’ve ‘finished.’ Accepting that I only have to make myself happy in this project has been very helpful. If I have no expectation of ‘winning’ then I’ll stop being so disappointed if I don’t. Ego blah blah blah...

But will they be able to see it? Will you? Most of them don’t want to, but most of you are going to have to one way or another, and I’m still holding out for peacefully and constructively.. But we’re gonna have to jump over a Clayton Ravine full of Biff Tannens first. Will we make it?

Only Time can tell. Perhaps the Cave of Time.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Kind of a flup-flup-flup-flup if you ask me.




The Space Cadet; A living humanity meets technology multimedia art project. Don't panic, you're already there. Coming soon: & r/spacecadet