The day you say fuck this and give up

4 min readOct 3, 2017
I can’t wait for the next generation of digital cameras. Imagine this with double the megapixels.

If the Las Vegas shooter wanted to get me to quit caring, then he won. He cared more about me not caring than I care about caring.

Because I am not allowed to care.

I cannot care for the complex interconnections about this shooter’s private life and the lives of those around him. His story will be simplified and argued by some to be completely misrepresented. We will not know who to believe, and we’ll forget about it anyway.

We should know everything. An inquest should be formed and we find out why the fuck this guy did it and everybody who had a hand in it.

He’s dead. There’s nothing we can do to him.

But we sure as shit can find out what the fuck happened.

Some kinds of privacy are overrated. We have public court records, what’s the difference? There is none.

I’m tired of this shit. I’m tired of people not willing to dig, because they’re afraid of what they’ll find, or afraid that others will want to find out their secrets.

Because secrets suck so bad that fucking Edward Snowden actually dodged my question about it — or he didn’t understand it — in which case, fuck me, right?

It doesn’t matter that the question became incredibly relevant in the 2016 election. The thing I asked about happening actually literally happened.

But fuck it. Nobody listens. Nobody cares. I went to my congressman’s town hall, and he didn’t listen to a god damn word I said. I was polite, but impassioned. Go read my short speech. If you can’t be bothered to find it, and roll your eyes because I’m not linking directly to it — you are part of the problem without knowing it. We don’t have the patience for “bad UX” anymore, but it has shortened our attention span to nothing.

When will we have forgotten about this? It’s not about guns — We have the second amendment so that our government cannot become a tyranny. Therefore, they cannot get your guns. They can and should, however, require you to license them, take some tests, do a background check every time one is bought or sold wherever, and completely track every one of them and their owners.

And if you think the government is going to come for your guns, start firing for fucks sake. I mean, that will be a civil war, but some people want one anyway.

But nobody cares. Not really. They just want to produce themselves and wonder why they’re miserable when they should be so happy. Then we find whatever chemical we need to stand it — suddenly higher levels of caffiene, marijuana, psychedelics, in the much-higher ABVs in craft beer, but more than any of these pharmaceuticals we consume to keep our heads straight and our interaction “human.”

Our only option is to stop caring, because nothing ever changes and nobody ever hears us.

Find out what went wrong in his life. Don’t give his family a pass — I’m not saying charge them with anything, but find out the answers and make it public.

Crimes like this should have a 9/11 report style report — with civilians as part of the report-writers. Except the sections on Saudi Arabia can’t be redacted.

On days like this I am my most ironic — Shouting at the wind that nobody really understands what I’m saying, while knowing that very form of shouting is the reason people can’t hear me.

I can’t help it. I cared too much. If the world ends tomorrow, it ends tomorrow.

All of that, all of that is what I want to say — what I will probably say soon — Today is just proof positive that I need to go that direction anyway. But before I do, I’m going to try to communicate with words and videos why I think these things keep happening — keep escalating, and gently warn America that we…might…be…a….bit….to….blame…. for ANYTHING, you know ANYTHING?

Anyhow. When I figure out how to say that constructively and merge it with a unifying theory of physics and religion, then I’ll quit, even if nobody understands me, and I’ll start reading books or something, I dunno.

Oh yeah, a bunch of people died in Las Vegas and everyone is freaking on on 10/2/2017. And you know, Trump, North Korea, incompetent, politically correct Democrats, the most hypocritical GOP base in it’s history… whatever.

So it goes.




The Space Cadet; A living humanity meets technology multimedia art project. Don't panic, you're already there. Coming soon: & r/spacecadet