3 Reasons Someone Won’t Buy

Max Sakiewicz
The Rebel Daily
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2019

There are all sorts of products and services out there, and there are sorts of advertisements and salesman out there who try to push their agenda on customers. I’m pretty sure most people have come into contact with a sleazy salesman who has tried to push and push you for a sale. In reality, there isn’t a chance you’ll buy their product or service if they come off as pushy and sleazy. The biggest problem with all of these salesmen is that they don’t understand why someone won’t buy and they aren’t willing to figure out the reasons for them not to purchase.

They Don’t Think The Product/Service Will Work

In other words, the purchaser doesn’t think your product is good. If you are getting the feeling that a prospect is unsure about your product, you need to take your time explaining why it will benefit them. I have always noticed that salespeople are always trying to just rattle off their tried and true sales lines. They don’t even consider that the buyer may not even think the product is good. Always make sure that your potential buyer is aware of the quality of your product, and it is your job as the seller to provide the reasons as to why your product will work for them.

They Won’t Use The Product/Service

Your first job as the seller is to make sure that the buyers you are reaching out to will at least have a use for your product. In my case, one of the products I sell is an organic lotion. I had to make sure I did the right product research so I would know that my lotion is different and more unique than my competition. When I made a cold call to a high-end salon, I had a situation where they said that they already carried other lotions. I then went on to tell them the story of how I solved a problem within lotion branding and I explained how my product was vastly more unique than the lotions they offered. Which in turn would make my lotion fly off their shelves quicker. So whenever you are confronted with a situation where the customer feels that either their own customers or they themselves will not use the product, you need to offer a convincing reason as to why your product has unique differentiators.

They Aren’t The Decision Maker

Often times when you get a lead or a referral you will be calling someone that doesn’t get to decide whether or not to make the purchase. You have between a 1–3% chance of getting an appointment with someone when you are making a sales call. So when you are on the phone with a prospect, you need to figure out fast who you are on the phone with, and if you aren’t on the phone with the decision maker, then you need to figure how to get there. While it is important to sell your initial sales lead well, your ultimate end goal should be to get an appointment set with that decision maker. It may be obvious to say that the reason someone won’t buy is that they can’t pull the trigger on the sale, but I have been on multiple cold calls where the representative says “I love the product and I think my boss will too”. While it’s great the rep loves the product, it does nothing for me in terms of making a sale. So find the decision maker as fast as you can so you can close that deal.

The key to making any company sustainable is closing on a deal with the buyer, and the only way you can do that is to know why your potential buyer may not make the purchase. It’s important you have all of the three points I listed above in the back of your head while trying to make that deal happen, because if you know why someone might not make a purchase, then you will know which direction to take your pitch.

Max Sakiewicz



Max Sakiewicz
The Rebel Daily

Entrepreneur. Writer. Thinker. Writer for The Rebel Daily, The Ascent, Publishious, Writers Guild, Betterism and more.