Episode 4: Why it’s Important to ‘Remix’ Your Work

Max Sakiewicz
The Rebel Daily
Published in
1 min readJan 29, 2019

In this episode, I talk about how the term “remix/remixing’ not only applies to just music, but also to art, business, and life. I think there are an unlimited amount of scenarios, works of art and content that are worth implementing into your own work. In school, we were taught copying is bad. But as soon as you get into the real world, you soon realize how everything around you has been influenced by outside sources.

Topics Covered

  • Good Artists Borrow, Great Artists Steal
  • Copy….Transform….Combine



Max Sakiewicz
The Rebel Daily

Entrepreneur. Writer. Thinker. Writer for The Rebel Daily, The Ascent, Publishious, Writers Guild, Betterism and more.