The Rebirth: Origin Story

The Rebirth
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2022

Welcome to The Rebirth, we are now in Chapter 1: The Prototypes from the 8 Cults (Each of the 8 Cults produced 500 prototypes, Total 4000 Prototypes = 4000 bottles of Whisky and The Rebirth membership sold and redeemed via NFTs).

The 8 Cults that produced a total of 4000 Prototypes.

Find out about the story behind The Rebirth and how the 8 cults were formed. We exist after The Sequel: The Cult’s Chapter 1.

Prequel: The Rebirth

8 colossal entities descended upon Earth in 2021 — The Rebirth

8 colossal entities taking the shape of babies descended upon earth in 2021. They are each unique to their Spirit. Spirit of Air, Lightning, Fire, Chaos, Light, Mystic, Interstellar, and Water. They disappear only after 1 day, leaving behind a global movement and shift in thinking. This event have come to be known as “The Rebirth”.

Sequel: The Cults

All 8 Cults became extremely influential, here’s Cult Lux’s Worship hall

Cults begin to form and eventually in the far future, in 3049, 8 cults establish themselves, each dedicated to 1 of the 8 colossal entities.

The cults come to be extremely influential through their production and administering “The Spirit”, a synthetic elixir developed to recreate the 8 Colossal Entities.

Cult Aeris, Spirit of Air
Cult Fulmen, Spirit of Lightning
Cult Lux, Spirit of Light
Cult Ignis, Spirit of Fire
Cult Kaos, Spirit of Chaos
Cult Repetitio, Spirit of Mystic
Cult Stella, Spirit of Interstellar
Cult Waeter, Spirit of Water

Chapter 1: The Prototypes

Each cults engaged in experiments and biological hacking and produced 500 prototypes.

Each cult began to engage in experiments and various forms of biological hacking on babies that are bred for the sole purpose of being transformed.

Each of the 8 cults successfully produced 500 prototypes, totalling to 4000 prototypes.

The Spirit produces unforeseen results, further transforming the prototypes into ascended or corrupt entities referred to as angels.

