Cover for ⚡The Electric Girl

A Magic Realism YA Coming March 15, 2021

Christine Hart
The Fragile Receptacle
2 min readOct 2, 2020


It’s cover reveal day! And naturally, I’m very excited! I’m sharing not just the artwork, but the title that I’ve been keeping under wraps as well. Since I’m not much for secrets though, some of you have already guessed that I’ve been working on my 2017 NanoWriMo project, The Electric Girl.

This book has been a labor of love and having it wrap at the end of 2020 is bittersweet. Crafting this story has allowed me to explore some of my favorite 80s pop-culture and other childhood memories. So I’ve been talking about the power of nostalgia and the emotional value of visiting the past. There’s certainly a lot more I’ll be sharing in the coming months about world-building decisions and weaving surreal elements into a hometown backdrop.

For now, I’ll just tell you that The Electric Girl is a magic realism YA that blends sci-fi and fantasy elements. It’s got girl power, adventure, riveting battles, and some pieces of the past that are pure retro fun. Keep scrolling for the blurb.

Polly Michaels spends her days trying to forget that her mom has cancer. Until a unicorn shows up after a freak electrical storm.

Sy’kai awakens on the ground to the smell of rotting fruit and wet earth. She doesn’t know where she is … or what she is … but she knows something is hunting her.

As Polly and her friends search for the creature in the orchard, the disoriented stranger scrambles to survive. When the girls find Sy’kai they’re swept into a struggle between two powerful beings bent on each other’s total destruction. After the girls learn that their whole planet is at stake, they risk everything to fight back.

Artwork from the extremely talented Consuelo Parra Digital Art.

