Create Dangerously: Forge A Purpose Strong Enough to Shake the Earth

An artist’s purpose should should be able to withstand the apocalypse.

Joe Garza
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2021


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

“My job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” — Mark Twain

Being a rebel without a cause can only take you so far.

And even if you are committed to a cause, does it have enough calcium in its bones to carry you through the trenches on the battlefield of the Artist’s Life? Does your cause have enough meat to sustain you on those days when your hunt for inspiration brings back nothing?

Too many artists create solely for money and fame — they might achieve what they want, but they’ll hardly be remembered when theaters no longer show their movies, radio stations no longer play their songs, bookstores no longer carry their novels.

And then there are artists who are stuck in the Romantic tradition, the “art for art’s sake” crowd who laze around waxing poetic on the virtues of forging something that will never be seen, heard, or experienced.

Let these losers build their creative careers around dull, flimsy causes that are as strong and rigid as an old man’s penis.

