Facing the Mob: Why Artists Aren’t Safe By Appeasing the Cult of Woke

Do you want to be a part of a movement that forbids dissent?

Joe Garza
Published in
5 min readJul 15, 2020


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

It’s the new style of the Warring Twenties for actors to step back from roles that would deem them “problematic” by the Twitterati.

For musical artists to change their names to avoid any kind of tenuous association with racists who are now little more than dust and dirt.

For writers to apologize for writing books about characters who have different skin colors than them, and then apologize with a blubbery promise to “do better”.

Artists, by our very nature, are cultural cowboys, our minds and thoughts always wandering into new and precarious plains. We’re jesters in the court of abstraction, dancing and prancing along on that fine line between Acceptable and Forbidden, and we do it all with a rascal’s delight, because we know that we’re only dealing with ideas. And ideas can’t hurt people.

And yet, as the culture war wages on, our current generation of artists are laying down their arms, waving white flags on feeble branches, and eagerly surrendering their rights and freedoms to inhabit fictional beings to entertain and provoke, simply to appeal to a capricious cult that thrives on vengeance and hysteria. No true soldier would…

