Cutlery not included.

Simple Truth Humor — Make People Worship You with This Easy Comedy Technique

Joe Garza
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2019


Do you want to develop a sophisticated sense of humor to impress your friends, get that promotion, and turn complete strangers into stalkers?

Well, I’ve got good news for you, you fucking egotist!

In this blog post, I’m going to show you a classic wordplay technique that anybody with a dictionary and a desperate need for attention can learn and start using in their pathetic, lonely lives.

But first, what is simple truth humor?

Read on, narcissist, and learn!

Tell Me What Simple Truth Humor Is! I Demand It!

First put a moist towel on your neck and think sexy thoughts.

Relaxed? Good.

“Simple Truth” humor is a style of comedy that involves exploiting the literal meaning of idioms, cliches, and other everyday phrases. This allows you to turn a sensible statement into a senseless statement, and, when done correctly, will ensure that your fans will build shrines of you in their closets made up of your stray hairs and fingernail clippings.

Do Other Comedians Use Simple Truth Humor?

