In Tune With Yourself: Cyclical Living is a Personal Practice

Vix Anderton
The Recovering Perfectionist
5 min readFeb 15, 2024

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ~ Lao Tzu

As 2024 rolled in this year, I found myself reflecting on the nature of this transition, which was passing without much fanfare for me — I was in bed, as usual, at 9 pm until the fireworks woke me up at midnight!

I’ve often approached New Year’s Eve with a sense of obligation, feeling the pressure to set resolutions or intentions for the year ahead. But this year, something felt different. I mean, it’s just so arbitrary! But while I was questioning the significance of it all, I also couldn’t quite shake the guilt of not adhering to the traditional rituals of goal-setting and resolution-making.

After all, the Gregorian calendar is just that-a calendar. It’s a construct we’ve created to organise time, but it doesn’t hold inherent meaning unless we assign it. I have several friends and colleagues this year who boycotted 1st January as the new year and have instead chosen Imbolc, the start of spring in the Celtic Wheel of the Year in early February, as the marker for their new year. As I’m writing this, the Lunar New Year has just passed.

Therein lies the beauty of embracing personal cycles. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. We each have our own moments throughout the year that hold significance, whether it’s birthdays, anniversaries, or other milestones.

For me, these moments often coincide with events that hold personal meaning, like my birthday in May or the anniversary of leaving the Air Force in August. These are the times when I feel most connected to the cycles of my life, rather than being dictated by a calendar date.

Living in Bali has further reinforced this for me. The seasons here don’t align with those I grew up with in the UK. The turning of the seasons and the changing light had a big impact on me. But here, the length of the days doesn’t change much. It’s hot or hotter, wet or dry (and even that isn’t as clear as it was once thanks to climate change).

Not to mention, I’m now in the southern hemisphere and can’t get used to talking about summer in December.

I miss using the Celtic Wheel of the Year but it doesn’t work for me. I have to force it rather than feel it. Which brings me to my most important point. You have the agency to choose which cycles you honour and celebrate. It’s about paying attention to the rhythms within and without you, and actively participating in the cycles that resonate with you.

Find the cycles and the practices that feel empowering and supportive for you. But when it feels forced and laden with ‘shoulds,’ perhaps it’s time to give yourself permission to let it go.

But could that look like in practice?

Practical Tips for Working With Your Cycles

  1. Tune Into Your Rhythms: Pay attention to the rhythms in you and around you. Take time to observe the changing seasons. Notice how you feel at different times of the year, the month, the week or the day.
  2. Reflect on Meaningful Moments: Take time to reflect on the significant moments in your life that hold personal meaning. This could include birthdays, anniversaries, milestones, or even the changing of seasons. Consider journaling about these experiences to gain insight into the patterns and rhythms of your life.
  3. Create Rituals and Traditions: Establishing rituals or traditions around important events can help you honour and celebrate them in a meaningful way. This could involve creating a special meal, participating in a ritual or ceremony, or spending time in nature to connect with the changing seasons
  4. Take Time to Reflect: Beginnings always follow endings so make some time to reflect on what you’ve achieved and what you’ve appreciated over the last cycle.
  5. Set Intentions with Purpose: Rather than setting resolutions based on external expectations, focus on setting intentions that align with your values and aspirations. Write down your intentions for the coming year or season, and revisit them regularly to stay focused and motivated.
  6. Be Flexible and Adaptive: Recognise that personal cycles are fluid and may change over time. Be open to adjusting your rituals, traditions, and intentions as needed to accommodate shifts in your life circumstances or priorities.

Prompts for Reflection

  1. What are some recurring themes or patterns in your life that you’ve noticed over the past year?
  2. How do different seasons or phases of the year affect your energy levels, mood, and sense of purpose?
  3. Can you identify any specific moments or milestones in your life that have had a profound impact on your growth and development
  4. What rituals or traditions do you currently have in place for marking significant events or transitions in your life, and how do they contribute to your sense of connection and meaning?
  5. Are there any aspects of your current approach to time management or goal-setting that feel out of alignment with your values and priorities?
  6. How might you adapt your routines or practices to better reflect the natural rhythms and cycles of your life?
  7. What intentions or goals do you have for the upcoming cycle, and how can you ensure they align with your authentic desires and aspirations?

By incorporating these practical tips into your life, you can cultivate a deeper sense of connection with yourself and the world around you, and embrace personal cycles with intention and purpose.

My hope is for you to do you. Don’t feel pressured to conform to societal expectations or trends on social media. Instead, find your rhythm and honour the cycles that hold meaning in your life.

If you’re feeling inspired to delve deeper into living in alignment with your cycles, I have a programme dedicated to helping you inhabit your excellence through cyclical living. Together, we can embark on a transformative journey to uncover the wisdom of your inner rhythms and empower you to live a life of greater authenticity and intention.

Alternatively, check out this masterclass on applying cyclical living to effortless productivity or download a free guide to get your cyclical living journey started.

Originally published at on February 15, 2024.

