Mastering The Creative Cycle

Vix Anderton
The Recovering Perfectionist
5 min readMar 14, 2024

“The Tao does nothing, yet all things are done.” ~ Lao Tzu

Have you ever had a brilliant idea, poured your heart into planning it, but then…nothing? Or maybe you jump into action straight away, only to lose steam and abandon ship within days?

If you’re a perfectionist like me, this scenario might sound all too familiar. Here’s the truth: our good intentions often end up in a graveyard of unfinished projects because we haven’t learned to work with the natural rhythm of creativity.

In this post, I’m going to share a concept that can revolutionise how you approach your creative endeavours and prevent your ideas from ending up in the dreaded “graveyard of good ideas.” The concept of a Creative Cycle is something I’ve found incredibly helpful. It views a project’s journey as a series of seasons, each with its own purpose and pace. We’ll explore the four distinct phases of the Creative Cycle, and how to navigate each one effectively. By understanding its phases and learning to navigate them, we can avoid the pitfalls that lead to creative stagnation and resurrect those buried ideas.

Spring: The Seed of a New Idea

The cycle begins with Spring, a burst of creative energy. A new idea pops into your head, and you’re brimming with excitement.

Here’s where perfectionists often stumble. They fall into one of two extremes:

Overplanning: They get bogged down in meticulous planning, endlessly brainstorming and refining before ever taking action. The initial spark of inspiration fizzles out before the project ever gets a chance to blossom.

Rushing In: Conversely, you might dive headfirst into action without any planning or consideration. This often leads to chaotic execution and ultimately, frustration.

Perfectionists often get stuck in what I call “perpetual Spring.” They bounce from one shiny idea to the next, never allowing themselves to fully delve into and complete any one project. This constant state of new beginnings can be exhausting and ultimately unproductive.

Spring represents that initial burst of excitement — brainstorming, planning, and the delicate sense of possibility. The key to a successful Spring is finding balance. Acknowledge the excitement and don’t get bogged down in details. Allow yourself to brainstorm and explore and also dedicate some time to laying the groundwork. Don’t let excitement morph into paralysis by analysis. Experiment, test the waters, and allow yourself the freedom to explore possibilities. Sketch out some initial ideas, do some quick research, and most importantly, take a small, actionable step forward.

Summer: Dedication and Cultivation

Summer is where the real work happens. You’re fully invested. You’re actively bringing your idea to life, pouring your energy and focus into its development. This is a time to embrace the “messy middle” — where ideas are tested, refined, and sometimes reworked entirely.

But perfectionists can get stuck here too. We might become fixated on every minute detail, refusing to move forward until everything feels “perfect.”

To thrive in Summer, embrace the messiness of creation. Prioritise steady progress over perfection. Celebrate milestones, and remember, you can always refine details later. Now is not the time for editing.

Autumn: The Season of Discernment

As the leaves change, so too does the creative cycle. Autumn is a time for reflection. Here, you take a step back and evaluate your progress. Is the project blossoming as you envisioned? Does it require course correction? More importantly, is this idea still serving you?

Many perfectionists struggle with Autumn. They either cling to failing ideas, unwilling to let go, or they prematurely abandon projects with potential simply because they hit a snag.

Have you poured your heart into a project, but it’s just not clicking? Don’t be afraid to let go. This isn’t failure; it’s discernment. Acknowledge what you learned and “compost” it for future endeavours.

However, letting go doesn’t always mean giving up entirely. Autumn can also be a season of pause. Maybe your project just needs to rest and ‘repotentise’ — a term from Red School. Taking a step back allows for fresh perspective and renewed inspiration when you revisit it later.

Autumn is for honest evaluation. Ask yourself: Is this idea still serving me? What parts are working well? What needs to be adjusted? This is where the “composting” happens. Use the lessons learned here as fuel for the next cycle.

Winter: Renewal and Rebirth

Winter is a time of quietude and contemplation. It’s a natural break before the cycle begins anew. Here, new ideas might emerge, or you might return to a project with fresh eyes. Each iteration of the cycle is an opportunity to refine, improve, and evolve your creative vision.

This is a time to trust that the creative process is cyclical. Just like nature needs a period of dormancy, so do our creative pursuits. Like a seed needing dormancy to germinate, so too can ideas benefit from a period of rest before re-emerging stronger in the next cycle.

Winter is the time to step back and recharge. Don’t feel guilty about putting a project on hold. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your idea is to let it rest. This allows you to come back to it with fresh eyes and renewed energy in the next cycle.

Embracing the Cyclical Nature of Creativity

The Creative Cycle isn’t linear. It’s a dance between action, reflection, and letting go. Sometimes, you might revisit a project you shelved in Winter, finding new inspiration to bring it to life. This is the beauty of iteration — the process of continual refinement and improvement.

By understanding these phases and learning to move through them with grace, we can avoid the graveyard of good ideas. Instead, you’ll cultivate a garden of vibrant creativity, where ideas blossom and flourish, season after season. So, the next time you have a new idea, embrace the journey, and watch it blossom into something truly remarkable.

Unlock Your Potential: Take the Next Step

Your journey into cyclical living begins now.

You might enjoy this post, where I go into more detail about the power of cyclical living.

Download my free resource — a comprehensive guide to aligning with your cycles.

If you’re seeking personalised guidance, reach out for a coaching partnership that’ll guide you towards sustained growth, authenticity, and fulfilment. Learn more about my 1:1 cyclical alignment coaching.

Originally published at on March 14, 2024.

