Stop Pushing, Start Allowing: The Secret to Effortless Achievement

Vix Anderton
The Recovering Perfectionist
3 min readJun 12, 2024

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” ~ Albert Einstein

Do you need to constantly push yourself to achieve your goals?

The short answer is no.

We’re often bombarded with messages telling us to “hustle harder” and “push ourselves to the limit.” But what if I told you that constant pushing might actually be hindering your progress?

Now, hold on before you think I’ve drunk the Kool Aid and this is some woo-woo about manifesting your dreams without lifting a finger. There’s definitely action involved, so hear me out!

Forget the Hustle

During a recent coaching session, my client was reflecting on how some goals seemed to be falling into place with little effort, while others felt like they were stuck in molasses. It seemed to me that the goals that felt effortless were likely the ones that truly aligned with their values and life vision.

Think about it. When you’re genuinely passionate about something, does it feel like a chore? Do you have to force yourself to get up and do it? Probably not!

In fact, you might find yourself completely immersed in the flow, the joy of the process itself propelling you forward.

It’s like the action flows through you, rather than you forcing it to happen.

The Aligned Effort Paradox

I remember the first time I heard the concept of “allowing” applied to achievement.

My initial reaction? “Surely that’s backwards! When I have energy, that’s when I should be CRUSHING goals!”

But here’s the twist: allowing doesn’t mean sitting back passively.

Imagine the creative flow as a river. When you’re in the “doing” phase of something aligned with your purpose, you’re not forcing the water downstream, you’re allowing the current to carry you.

It feels effortless, yet incredibly powerful.

This applies to your goals too.

What if, instead of forcing the “doing,” you allow yourself to be open to it? What if your goals unfold through you, rather than sheer willpower alone?

You don’t have to push and force yourself towards things that don’t resonate with you. Instead, you can allow yourself to pursue the things that truly excite you, the ones that bring you a sense of aliveness.

Even the Mundane Can Be Meaningful

Now, you might be thinking, “But Vix, what about the not-so-fun tasks?”

I believe life’s too short and too precious to waste time on things that don’t light you up.

Now, this doesn’t mean there aren’t unavoidable tasks. Running a business involves things I don’t love (ugh, tax returns!). But these are just tasks, the means to an end. The key is finding ways to make them tolerable.

For me, motivation comes from focusing on the “why” and “how” behind the task, rather than just the “what.” When you’re chasing goals that truly excite you, even the less glamorous tasks become stepping stones to something bigger.

Read more about the power of starting with Why.

Re-evaluate, Re-ignite

Here’s the bottom line: if you find yourself constantly pushing and forcing yourself towards goals, it’s a giant red flag. It might be time to re-evaluate what you’re chasing altogether.

What would it be like to move away from the goals that feel like a struggle and focus on the ones that ignite your spark?

Wouldn’t you rather spend your precious time on things that light you up, that flow naturally with a sense of energy and purpose?

So, do you need to constantly push yourself to achieve? Absolutely not! In fact, if that’s the only way you can make progress, it’s a clear sign to re-evaluate your goals.

There’s still room for dedication and effort, but with a sense of allowing the good stuff to unfold naturally. You can still give your all, but with a sense of allowing, rather than forcing.

So, what do you think? Does this resonate with you? Or am I totally off base? Let me know in the comments — I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Originally published at on June 12, 2024.

