Aim and Shoot

Skyler Stevens
Skyler Stevens
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2017

“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.” — Ralph Emerson

I have finished reading Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson. After reading such a work of art, I obviously have thoughts to share. Here they are.

Emerson talks about the importance of principles. This reminded me of the countless lectures and conversations I have had about setting goals. This piece only inspired me more to harness the power of setting goals, defining principles, and discovering a mission. Why? Because these tools lead humans to work. Without destinations or guidance, one fails to journey — one simply wanders. I do not want to wander. For most of my life I have wandered, goal-less, principle-less, mission-less. True, I have at times written mission statements, but the habit quickly failed due to my busy schedule. No more, I say!

All that said, I am a skeptic. I doubt the existence of God, the existence of fundamental morals, and even the basics of logic. More so I even doubt my own desires. Do I really want to be a writer? Do I really want to attend college? Do I really like pancakes? Being skeptical of my philosophies and desires, how can I set goals, define principles, and find missions for my life? Perhaps relentless introspection may do me justice. (Perhaps it would do everyone justice). Therefore, I must habitually meditate on my wants, reflect on my choices, and question my motives. In case you need me to tell you, this takes time. Lots of time. So for the time being here are some quick ideas to give me a start. But let it be known the only true mission I have right now is to find my true-er mission.

My mission is to produce art. I prefer literature (essays, stories, poems, journals, dreams), but I am not afraid to try other arts like drawing, painting, photographing, filming, choreographing, and so on. Art is so natural for me. I do not mean that I am great at is, but that creating it, whether good or bad, is as natural as a water flowing downhill. Effortless. However, I must add that I do not create art for others. I do not care for strangers, acquintances, or even decent friends. There are only a select few of which I purely, truly love. Funny enough, I do not write for them either. So who do I write for? Myself. I find pleasure in the act of finishing a piece of art. I find pleasure in questioning the status quo through art. I find good bliss in the act of challenging societal norms in my art. Ironically, by serving myself in this mission I serve others. By creating art, others may see it, read it, dialogue with it. When they find those pieces in which I challenge the norm, it will force them to think, think, think, and then think more. And thinking is a catalyst for better humans. Why don’t people think more?

My principles: to be Godly, Beatriz-ly, disciplined, responsible, shameless, guiltless, helpful, slave-less, and frictionless. I will have a intimate relationship with God. I will be faithful to Beatriz all my days, married or unmarried. I am committed to serve and love her more than anyone else. When life gets tough, I will stick it through. When something goes wrong, I will not blame others; I will take responsibility for all problems I face. I will live not let myself feel guilty or shameful. I will wisely help people who are desparetly in need. I will not be a slave to others, even those I help. I will help them be free like myself. I will aim for a frictionless life, meaning that I will search for activities that require the least amount of discipline and then I will do those activities(ex. If I naturally go boxing, but dread going to the gym then I will box).

My goals are like micro-missions. They are tests. The purpose of them is to explore new activities and ideas which can one day become a part of my mission. Of these goals, one is to explore new workouts while maintaining a consistent workout until I discover a replacement. Another is to write scripts and articles as well as explore videography (perhaps there is a future here with documentaries). My last goal is to achieve excellence in my studies, including extra-curriculars.

With this beginning mission and these beginning principles and goals, I am bound to become a better Skyler Stevens. But it is when I discover that true-er mission that my bettering and growth will Sky-rocket.

