Podcast: Army Week

Devin Stewart
The Towel Rack
Published in
Sep 9, 2021
9/11 We Remember

Devin is joined by Jared Rosdeutscher TTR resident writer and memologist, and Matt McCay, TTR analyst and resident old man, as we bring you the longest running podcast following WKU Athletics, we discuss news around the Hill; how Volleyball is dominating, like always, we recap the UTM game, as well as the preview the ARMY game, and finally we remember where we were on 9/11 as the 20th anniversary fast approaches.


podbean: redout.podbean.com

itunes: search RedOUT and look for the squirrel



Devin Stewart
The Towel Rack

Lic Funeral Director, #TheUndertaker, WKU Alumni ’12, VU Alumni ’18, Happily married to Kara, Father of Abby, @RedOUT1906 podcaster #Topper4Life