Site News: We’re Moving!

Fletcher Keel
The Towel Rack
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2021

Since The Towel Rack launched in August of 2016, we have been housed right here on

It was a service that was easy to use and customizable and for the last five-plus years, has been the home to all of our recaps, news and analysis.

Starting today, that changes, as The Towel Rack is moving to

Substack? What on earth is that?

Great question! There’s a good chance you’ve heard about Substack in some form or fashion over the last year or so. A lot of high-profile journalists, both in news and sports, have moved to the platform, who’s big selling point is that of newsletter publishing.

With our new home on Substack, we’ll be able to do a few different things. The foremost reason for the move is some improvements on the backend that don’t effect you, nor do you care about (like how it makes it way easier for us to write articles). What does effect you is the ease with which you can receive our content via Substack’s newsletter feature.

The first page you’ll see when you visit our new site for the first time will look something like this.

You’ll see our logo, a description of our site for people who may not know who we ware who stumble upon it by searching on Substack and a box to input your email address.

I would like to stress the following: You do not have to subscribe to our newsletter in order to continue to enjoy The Towel Rack.

Underneath that email box is a button that says “Let me read it first.” If you click on that, it’ll take you straight to our website, where our content will be for you without subscribing.

While we do encourage you to subscribe for the email newsletter (that way you’ll never miss when The Towel Rack publishes an article), it’s far from a requirement to continue to enjoy our content.

Newsletter? Subscribe? That all sounds really expensive.

Fear not. While there are some Substack newsletters that you’ll come across that charge money, we don’t, and we never will. We are dedicated to making WKU information, opinions and analysis as easy to find as possible and we’ll never put anything behind a paywall. The Towel Rack was free on Medium and will continue to be free on our new home.

Do I need an account to view your articles?

An account is not necessary but we do highly recommend subscribing by adding your email like we mentioned. It’s free and you’ll get every article straight to your inbox. If you make an account, you won’t be prompted to the page where it says to subscribe or “let me read first” instead, you’ll go straight to the home page.

Also, Substack will allow us to do a lot of interactive things, like an easier commenting system, that will require an account to take part in.

Is there a mobile app for Substack like there is one for Medium?

There isn’t a Substack app per se, but what you can do (this definitely works for iOS) is when you get to the main page, click on the share option on your web browser (the box with the up arrow) and hit “add to Home Screen” and it will make a button on your phone just like an app would show up and would take you directly to the site.

Change is never easy and we know this will take some getting used to. We have done our best to export as much of our archive as possible so our new home is already up an running as far back as we’ve been around. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on Twitter.



Fletcher Keel
The Towel Rack

#WKU alum. Enjoyer of athletic competitions, collections of sound & motion media. Never forget who you are and whose you are.