WKU Basketball: The 2019–20 Tops as Avengers Characters

Jacob Keith
The Towel Rack
Published in
6 min readJul 22, 2019

The doldrums of summer are here, and with them comes the boredom of summer sports. Unless you’re a baseball nerd (looking at you Ross) or heaven forbid, care about NASCAR, this time of year means one thing, pointless and dumb borderline sports talk! Woot!

It’s in that spirit of gasbaggery that I present to you a comprehensive list of WKU’s basketball roster if they were the Avengers.

(As a little aside here, I didn’t actually know there were so many characters considered part of the Avengers so I’m just listing what I consider the extended team. So if I offend any comic book nerds here…..too bad)

1. Taveion Hollingsworth- Iron Man

There is some serious experience on this team. Going into year three you could put any one of them as the “leader” of this team. (I put leader in “” because some of you fools are going to come at me and say that Cap. is the leader of the Avengers. That’s fine, you’re allowed to be wrong) But for my money, particularly this season, it’s time for Tay to step into that role. Yes, there will be guys with as much time on this team as him, and yes there are guys who are older than him. But I don’t think anyone on this team has experienced as much up and down in their WKU playing career as Tay has.

From freshman phenom to a stepback in his second year I think I speak for a lot of fans when I say that I’m waiting on Tay to take charge and release his true badassery (that’s a word now because I say so. If ole Willy Shakespear can make up words that make into the English lexicon so can I). Just like Iron Man coming back and fighting through adversity to eventually save the universe, think Tay comes through that sophomore slump to save the Tops 2019–20 season.

2. Charles Bassey- Hulk

I mean, could it really be anything else? Size, athleticism, sheer destructive power, that is Sir Charles. When other teams in the league get chesty and say, “Look at our team full of great role players. What have you got?” we can confidently say, “We have Bassey”.

Just like the big green monster is an absolute game-changer, so is Bassey. He brings talent and athleticism that CUSA just can’t contend with. And seriously, I don’t think you’d like him when he’s angry. Just ask Ethan Happ.

3. Josh Anderson-Black Panther

An absolute physical specimen. They both can leap incredible distances, defy the laws of physics, and even when you think they’re down they come back and win the day. They also both make their enemies look stupid on occasion. Just keep the purple flower drink away from the rest of the team man.

4. Marek Nelson- War Machine

They can rebuild him. Just like War Machine, Marek Nelson saw last year derailed with an injury. Also like War Machine, he’s now back and strong as ever. I see Marek as one of the most solid and dependable dudes on the team, just like that gleaming metal hunk of destruction, War Machine.

5. Jared Savage- Captain America

OK. Maybe this is because I want to put the hometown guy as the all American hero. Regardless, I can hear you all now. “But he should be Hawkeye ’cause he’s such a sharpshooter”. Well, no, because 1. Thus far he’s been a volume shooter, which Hawkeye is not and 2. I see Savage as glue that will help hold this team together. Just like Cap. Someone get this man a shield.

6. Camron Justice- Hawkeye

The Tops were not great at shooting the three the last two years. Bringing in Camron is supposed to solve that issue and senior leadership doesn’t hurt either. Hawkeye can shoot the eye out of an alien on a hoverbike at 200 yards, I’ll settle for Camron making a contested three with a MUTS guard in his face.

7. Kenny Cooper- Vision

Having a little bit of all the powers is how I imagine Kenny Cooper playing for the Tops and that’s exactly was VIsion was (spoilers! Except not really because if you don’t know by now then seriously what are you doing with your life) to the Avengers. Can he fly through the air? Yup. Move incredibly fast? Sure can. What about shooting a laser beam out of a shiny stone on his forehead? We can only hope.

8. Carson Williams- Dr. Strange

Experience and a calming, commanding presence. That’s what most fans hope to see from him. Does he have mystical magic crazy powers? Will he wave his hands around frantically up and down the court? Maybe. What I think we will see is Tournament experience and an absolute dog in the paint. Also being able to create wormholes and turn back time would be super helpful in-game. We can only hope.

9. Tolu Smith- Captain Marvel

Tolu may be the most underrated yet key player on the team. Standing at 6–10 and likely serving as the main backup to Sir Charles the Hulk, a step forward in production and minutes will serve to make this year’s team unstoppable just like the Avengers are unstoppable when Capt. Marvel isn’t off-world and unavailable. The only difference is that Tolu doesn’t have “I want to talk to your manager” Karen haircut.

10. Jeremiah Gambrell- Black Widow

Speed. Skills. Making dudes look stupid with sick moves. This is what I’m looking forward to with Jeremiah getting healthy and seeing the floor. We haven’t seen him on the court very much yet, but all the reports are that he is inhumanly quick, skilled, and even when going up against bigger and stronger enemies he can’t be stopped. Neither can Natasha Romanoff.

11. Isiah Cozart- M’Baku

Ok, I’m not going to lie. The scene from Infinity War when M’Baku and his soldiers are crashing their clubs and yelling their war chant is one of the most badass things from any Marvel movie. I’m hoping the Topper faithful get the same feeling when Cozart swats 5 shots back into the chicken nugget mainlining crowd at the Marshall games over the next few years. M’Baku defends his home against all comers and I hope we can see Cozart do exactly the same thing at John Oldham Court.

12. Jackson Harlan- Starlord

He just seems so darn likable. He just seems to get stuff done. You look up and he’s shot 41% from three and has four assists. I think he’s going to be an absolute fan favorite. Just like Starlord aka Peter Quill. It doesn’t matter that he’s only human now. I do know one thing. As much as this team loves to dance if he doesn’t have a half-court dance battle with an opposing team mascot, his first season will have been a letdown. Ball’s in your court, Hoss.

13. Patrick Murphy- Wong

He may be a walk on and not see a lot of floor time but he’s a Topper nonetheless. If I had to guess I see him coming in at key times to save the day with a well-placed three-ball or icing a game with free throws. Wong does exactly the same thing every time he shows up.

14. Jordan Rawls- Thor

We haven’t seen more than a few shots and some high school highlights from Mr. Rawls. But everyone is telling us he is thunder and lightning. The highlight of this year’s class, he should be an immediate impact. Because I’m putting him as the God of thunder, I’m going to need him to drink his Powerade exclusively out of a horn, grow a braided beard, and befriend a small angry gun-toting rabbit.

15. Coach Stansbury- Nick Fury

I’m not saying that Coach drops Sam Jackson’s favorite catchphrase every now and then. But I am saying he’s assembled a team of outstanding talent that Tops fans are relying on to save their basketball universe. Just like Fury. Also, if he could bring a terrifying space cat to the games to eat opposing team members, that would be cool too.



Jacob Keith
The Towel Rack

Attorney, WKU 14, U of L Brandeis School of Law 17. Don’t take this too seriously.