Weeknote: Understand your meeting audience (#RookieMove)

Weeknote #9

Angela Obias-Tuban
The Redesign
1 min readSep 2, 2018


Favorite lesson from co-workers: Underpromise and overdeliver.

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What did I learn this week?

That I’ve forgotten how to present to the C-suite.

In the most amazingly embarrassing way.

Specific advice to myself:

  1. Understand the underlying meeting objective: e.g. Vision alignment over tracking
  2. Only the necessary details
  3. PM content needs are not the same as C-suite content needs

Also, note to self:

  • Finally recraft how you share userflows.

You’ve gone through three presentations where the way you presented userflows was for a design team, not for a business unit. Keep your audience in mind.

The best lessons are learned on-the-job.

⏩ 👫 If you found this helpful, please share it to the people it can help, too.

As I mention in weeknotes I write, I’m a fan of designing in the open.

If you want to follow the things I’m learning along the way, as a researcher, strategist and teacher, follow me on Facebook or subscribe to our yet-to-be-regular newsletter.



Angela Obias-Tuban
The Redesign

Researcher and data analyst who works for the content and design community. Often called an experience designer. Consultant at http://priority-studios.com