What I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Career in PR

Favourite Siyanbola
The Redrick Gazette
3 min readJun 22, 2023

Starting a career in Public Relations (PR) can be both exciting and challenging. As someone who has already gone through the process, there are a number of things that I wish I had known before embarking on my career in PR. Here are some of the most important lessons I have learnt:

PR is not just about writing press releases. When I first started in PR, I assumed that my job would be mostly about writing press releases and sending them to journalists. While writing is definitely a big part of the job, there’s much more to PR than that. You’ll need to be able to think strategically, analyze data, manage social media, and build relationships with clients and media outlets.

Networking is key: Building relationships is a fundamental part of PR. You’ll need to get to know journalists, influencers, and other key players in your industry. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and reach out to people on LinkedIn. The more people you know, the better your chances of success.

It’s a fast-paced industry: PR is a fast-paced industry that requires you to be able to work quickly and adapt to changing circumstances. You’ll need to be able to manage multiple projects at once and be able to pivot quickly if a campaign isn’t working as planned.

Metrics matter: In PR, you’ll need to be able to demonstrate the ROI of your campaigns. This means tracking metrics like website traffic, social media engagement, and media placements. Be sure to set goals and measure your progress against them.

You need to be Agile. PR is an industry that is constantly evolving, so you’ll need to be able to adapt to new technologies, trends, and best practices. Be willing to learn new skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in your industry.

It’s a demanding job: PR is not a 9-to-5 job. You’ll often need to work long hours, including evenings and weekends, and be available to respond to media inquiries outside of regular business hours.

The client isn’t always right: As a PR professional, your job is to provide expert advice to your clients. Sometimes, this means pushing back on their ideas and suggesting alternative strategies. Be confident in your expertise, and don’t be afraid to advocate for what you believe is the best course of action.

In conclusion, starting a career in PR can be a rewarding and exciting experience, but it’s important to go into it with your eyes open. By understanding these key lessons, you’ll be better prepared to succeed in this fast-paced and challenging industry.

Favourite Siyanbola is a PR Associate at Redrick PR and an avid communications enthusiast. She is also a major movie head.



Favourite Siyanbola
The Redrick Gazette

Favourite Siyanbola is a Junior Account Manager at Redrick PR and an avid communications enthusiast. She is also a major movie head.