The Problem with Problem-Solving

Christine Soon Desmarais
The Refined Problem Solver
2 min readMar 7, 2021
Roadtrip across Canada, 2005 (C S Desmarais)

Remember when e-mail reigned supreme as the technological connector of the day? Lists of cute puns, silly jokes, and random facts were all the rage… There was a list of paradoxes that I vaguely strived to memorize, but a decade and a half later, I can recall only this:

Why do you park in a driveway, but drive on a parkway?

Not quite as loaded as love or energy, “problem-solving” nevertheless qualifies as a larger-than-life term. Driving towards a solution to a complex problem all too often entails crashing into some emotional elements... What may constitute a problem to one, may not be so to another (ever heard of resistance to change?) Or an element of solution to some, may actually cause harm (albeit well-intended) to others.

Beyond its bias towards social media catchiness, the problem with problem-solving is an incomplete phrase. The problem may also lie with the problem-solver.

Problem Definition — Have we done our homework as to what constitutes, exactly, the problem? Do we understand how the different stakeholders may relate to it? Is there another, more pressing problem that should be addressed prior to this one?

Vision, mission, goals & values — Do we have a clear problem-solving intent — or are we in it for mainly sentimental, ego-centered reasons?

Professional Approach — Are we disciplined in our use of tools and resources for planning and execution? Are we flexible, open enough to scale up or down these tools as the need arises, or even adopt new ones?

Emphasis on Collaboration— In the great, complex world we live in, it is virtually impossible to think through all the possibilities and ramifications, all on one’s own… For this, and for reasons of buy-in, sharing a sense of ownership etc. it is essential that we collaborate with others when trying to solve problems.

The act of problem-solving may be difficult, requiring us to combine discipline and openness, collaboration and working through subjectivities large and small.

But the Parkway of Life is meant to be driven, not parked upon… So let’s get to it. :)

