Submit to Reflector

Sara Abdelbarry
The Reflector
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2017
Photo by: Szabolcs

Want to write for Reflector? Here are the submission guidelines:

Reflector is a publication that focuses on telling enlightening, unique stories that get people talking. We’re not afraid to cover taboo topics, delve into conspiracy theories, or call bullshit on a lot of things. We publish most genres of writing, namely fiction and poetry, creative nonfiction, news pieces, arts and culture stories, personal narratives, and advice.

If you think you have a story that shows a unique perspective on the world (especially one that’ll instigate conversation), we’d love to have you join us as a writer. Note: We may do some light editing of stories that have grammatical errors, but we will not publish or consider stories that are riddled with so many grammatical errors that they no longer read like English.

How to submit:

Email, and please make the subject “SUBMISSION: Story Name.” We’re not looking for a whole essay here or even a paragraph, but in the body of the email, tell us briefly why your story should be published/what it’s about. Please also include the links to your Medium profile and draft of your story on Medium.

Please only use images in your story that you’ve taken yourself or have permission to use.

If we like your story, we will get back to you soon over email.

Thank you for submitting and we’ll look forward to reading all of your submissions carefully.



Sara Abdelbarry
The Reflector

sarcastic girl; oxford comma advocate; songwriter; musician