The refreshingly honest guide to building your website at an affordable cost

Traditionally, building a website has been a costly part of building a brand. Thanks to Instagram and Shopify you can now create a beautiful and functional website at an affordable cost.


The beauty of Shopify is how simple they make website building, all you need to do is download a theme and start customising it to your specs.You can drag and drop images, copy and paste articles and build a beautiful website in a day.

They also host the site on their servers so costs such as web hosting simply don’t exist.

Services such as Shopify emails are incredibly helpful, you can email your newsletter subscribers at no cost. They provide stats so that you can see your email engagement rate which is extremely helpful when starting out with email marketing.


Once you have a great Instagram page content creators and influencers will be proud to represent your brand. Influencers, models and content creators are always looking for ways to update their lookbooks so will be very open to working with you on a gifting basis.

They will send you high quality images which you can drag and drop onto your website.

It’s easy to get carried away with making your site overly complex but there is really no need to. The most important thing is the speed and that the user journey is great!

UX audit

A UX audit is simply an audit of your website. After it is completed you recieve a document which details improvements you should make to your website in order to increase conversions.

The changes are rarely included in the price of the audit so we would suggest you save the money and just ask friends and family to browse the site and recommend the changes they think you need to make.

To summarise

1. Download a Shopify theme which works best for your brand.

2. Create an Instagram page which influencers and content creators will be happy to be affiliated with.

3. Reach out to content creators who reflect your brand image and gift them products in return for content.

4. Upload the content to your website.

5. Get as many people as possible to review your site for you.

6. Make those changes.

7. Enjoy the process






David Biren
The Refreshingly Honest Guide To Not Losing All Your Money On The Internet

I founded a clothing brand which specialises in high quality ethically sourced basics. I’m using my experiences to help other people succed in e-commerce.