The best Gold and Kuiper Shard farms in The First Descendant (Patch 1.06)
Gold and Kuiper are core resources in The First Descendant. As such, you can expect to spend plenty of time farming them to enhance things like weapons and Mods, like Luna’s Nimble Footsteps and Noise Surge. Due to the exorbitant costs, it’s prudent to efficiently farm, rather than spend your precious time running in circles that yield poor returns. Here are the best Gold and Kuiper farms and what you can expect to collect from each in an hour.
Why is everything so expensive!?
To preface this, I spent an hour at each location. The below values are what I started with, what I ended with, and the difference in parenthesis. I also included Kuiper gained from dismantling duplicate Mods, so your mileage may vary depending on your collection.
For each of the runs, aside from Enzo and the Encrypted Vaults, I used Valby and would play public events with other, random players. You don’t need to use Valby, as other AoE-heavy Descendants like Bunny or Viessa work well.
Each of the farms below was run on Hard Mode, so if you don’t have a Descendant that can handle them solo, it might be best to try another that has more people running it.
Enzo and the Encrypted Vaults
When it comes to farming Kuiper alone, you cannot beat using Enzo to track down and open the various Encrypted Vaults across each region. For this test, I didn’t follow any route or existing guide. Instead, I bounced between maps and tracked them the old-fashioned way.
618k is nothing to sneeze at, but there’s potential to farm more if you know the locations of the vaults and are working with a group of Enzos. The only drawback is needing Enzo first.
32,813 Kuiper —> 651,596 (618,783)
385,979 Gold →418,142 (32,163)
(Hard) Abandoned Zone, Echo Swamp — Abandoned Refinery Unit
The Abandoned Refinery Unit in Echo Swamp is likely the most popular farming spot at the time of this writing. After an hour, I had earned 4.9m Gold and 383k Kuiper. Most runs can be done in less than 30 seconds, but it can be even faster if you have a few Bunny’s or Valby’s nuking everything.
410,269 Kuiper → 614,083 (203,814) + 180,900 dismantling duplicates
253,918 Gold -> 5,192,419 (4,938,501)
(Hard) Defense Line, Fortress — Vulgus Strategic Outpost (Valby Run)
The Valby Run was the most popular until Nexon decided to bring it in line with other farms. That being said, it’s still nothing to sneeze at. For this farm, it is best to use a group of Valby’s, but Bunny will do in a pinch. After an hour, I had netted 335k Kuiper and 4.2m Gold.
287,383 Kuiper —> 505,591 (218, 208) + 117,600 dismantling duplicates
116,419 Gold —> 4,330,162 (4,213,743)
(Hard) Rockfall, Sterile Land — Anticipated Ambush Point
The Anticipated Ambush Point yields the poorest results, but is the one that’s easiest to keep up with. Rather than have the mission cleared before you can tag a mob, you will be able to hit most enemies thanks to the small arena. There are usually plenty of folks farming this, but the results leave a lot to be desired with 144k Kuiper and 3.4m Gold.
196,891 Kuiper →313,913 (117,022) + 27,000 dismantling duplicates
67,162 Gold —> 3,519,979 (3,452,817)