Film: Coffee & Cigarettes

MP Rekola
2 min readAug 6, 2016


Today in “Consumed” is a fully American and artistic film of vignettes masterfully shot by mid-west eccentric director Jim Jarmusch — Coffee & Cigarettes. Built brick by brick by an ensemble cast (Murry, RZA, GZA, Blanchett, Buscemi, Alfred Molina, Iggy Pop and more), each vignette is another brick in the bizarre as dialogue navigates from family heritage, to Nikolai Tesla, and even pesticides.

Jarmusch accomplishes a live-long goal with this film — the capturing, recording, and simulation, of time in “real” time. Minute by minute. While the actors craft a blend of conversation, cigarettes, and coffee that allows the viewer a peak into the world of each character and their worldly perspectives.

If art house, auteur-style-theory film is your cup of joe, then pull of a seat and don’t forget the ash tray.

Feeling: Fully satisfied by brilliant vignettes.

Title: Coffee & Cigarettes | 2003

Director: Jim Jarmusch



MP Rekola

I direct, write, and possess a reverence for cinema. American Independent Filmmaker based in DC. Say Hi on Twitter: @RekolaShotIT.