9 Physical Indicators of Toxic Relationships

The Relationship Recipe
The Relationship Recipe
3 min readJan 24, 2024

Reflecting on my three-decade marriage, the word “turbulent” scarcely captures the tumult. Around 2015, an insidious weakness enveloped me, limbs weighed down as if by concrete. Amidst the physical demands of my job, life grew arduous.

Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash

I attributed it to lifestyle, altering habits, eschewing alcohol, embracing wholesome nourishment. Yet, relief remained elusive. Each dawn, a solitary spoonful of cereal heralded a hasty retreat to the bathroom. A ceaseless cycle of discomfort ensued.

Come November 2016, flu-like symptoms besieged me, exacerbating the torment of bathroom visits reminiscent of infernal odors. (Apologies for the graphic imagery.) Agony intensified, compelling me to stifle guttural outbursts with a towel, a futile attempt to shield my children from auditory anguish.

Humiliation ensued.

Finally consulting a gastroenterologist, the verdict arrived post-colonoscopy: “Crohn’s Disease.” A gut-wrenching autoimmune malady, irrevocably altering existence. Though not wholly attributable to my relationship, its influence loomed large. Bereaved by my father’s demise earlier in 2016, grief proved the tipping point, unmasking dormant afflictions.

Illustrative of how our bodies tally grievances in life’s ledger, the narrative unveils telltale physical symptoms hinting at toxic relational bonds, prompting introspection.

1. Lingering Lassitude:

Toxic ties exact an emotional toll, culminating in lingering fatigue. The relentless strain and emotional tumult sap vitality, rendering rest inadequate in replenishing energy stores.

2. Gastric Gambits:

The visceral mind-body nexus manifests in gastrointestinal turmoil amid toxic relationships. Incendiary emotional stress may incite conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or gastritis, amplifying bodily distress.

3. Slumber’s Siege:

Disrupted sleep patterns bespeak unhealthy relational dynamics, besieging restorative repose. Anxiety or aversion to confrontation breeds nocturnal restlessness, undermining holistic well-being.

4. Palate Paradox:

Emotional upheaval often begets dietary deviations, engendering erratic eating behaviors. Some resort to solace in sustenance, others lose appetite amid emotional tumult, both signaling relational discord.

5. Muscular Misery:

The physical manifestation of relational strife encompasses muscular tension and anguish. Chronic stress precipitates tension headaches, cervical discomfort, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) afflictions.

6. Immunological Impairment:

Prolonged stress spurs cortisol secretion, enfeebling the immune system’s defenses. Victims of toxic bonds endure heightened susceptibility to maladies, with recovery protracted and fraught.

7. Dermatological Dismay:

The skin, a barometer of internal strife, mirrors emotional turmoil in toxic relationships. Acne, eczema, or psoriasis may bespeak internal discord, heralding the need for relational realignment.

8. Cardiac Commotion:

Escalating stress levels in toxic bonds provoke cardiac agitation, elevating heart rate and blood pressure. These physiological responses, adaptive in moderation, imperil cardiovascular health when protracted.

9. Cranial Conundrums:

Mental anguish transmutes into migraines and headaches, tormenting victims of toxic relationships. Unresolved strife and emotional turmoil precipitate recurrent cranial afflictions.

Deciphering the Signs: Am I Ensnared in a Toxic Bond?

Discerning relational toxicity mandates introspection and candor. Scrutinize the relational landscape through the prism of these queries:

1. Perpetual Perturbation?

A perpetual state of unease and angst bespeaks relational toxicity, imperiling mental equilibrium.

2. Drained by Discourse?

Nurturing connections should invigorate, not deplete. Persistent emotional fatigue post-interaction is indicative of relational malaise.

3. Needful Neglect?

Assess whether emotional, physical, and psychological requisites find fulfillment. Compromise bereft of reciprocity portends relational imbalance.

4. Confrontational Aversion?

Inability to address grievances hints at entrenched toxicity. Open dialogue fosters mutual understanding, essential for relational equilibrium.

5. Suffering Silence?

Silence punctuated by suffering is the hallmark of emotional or physical abuse. Safety mandates seeking intervention and support.

If you are interested in learning more, I highly recommend this book, The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk. He is a top researcher on how our bodies react to trauma and how it tells us when things aren’t right. You can check it out here.

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Originally published at https://therelationshiprecipe.com on January 24, 2024.

