Selfish Behaviors of Women in Relationships, From a Man’s Perspective

The Relationship Recipe
The Relationship Recipe
6 min readMar 3, 2024

Building and nurturing a healthy relationship demands a delicate dance of understanding, compromise, and mutual respect.

Certain behaviors, can wield profound implications. From the male standpoint, these actions, when perceived as selfish, can unravel the fabric of connection and strain the bonds of intimacy.

In this article, we will discuss 11 selfish behaviors from women, through the lens of the male perspective, and how they may be harmful within the relationship. From communication pitfalls, to emotional disconnects, each aspect uncovers insights into the dynamics of self-centeredness and its impact on the quality of the relationship.

Handling these discussions with care is vital, while recognizing the multitude of experiences within relationships, and shunning any sweeping assumptions.

While some of these behaviors may seem predictable, others may shake perceptions. For instance, discovering that an excessive dependency — labelled as Selfish Act #6 — can be construed as selfish was a revelation for me.

Dependency, often overlooked, can indeed exert undue pressure, particularly in the wake of familial responsibilities and the incessant demands of life.

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

I reside in a rural setting, where the upkeep of a mere two acres can be surprisingly demanding.

I witness my partner tirelessly laboring every weekend, from mundane household chores, to the upkeep of our vintage 1985 Case Skiploader Tractor, clarifies the burdens he shoulders.

In light of this, I’ve consciously adopted a more self-reliant approach to alleviate any additional stress on my partner.

This shift has proven beneficial, not just in easing his load, but also in preparing myself for unforeseen circumstances. Embracing self-sufficiency seems only fair, as well as giving me some peace of mind that I can navigate life’s challenges independently if the need arises.

Selfish Act #1: Not Communicating

Great relationships are built on the bedrock of effective communication. This segment delves into how silence, might be interpreted as self-serving behavior.

From a male vantage point, relational silence can breed a sense of exclusion and frustration. A partner’s failure to articulate thoughts, emotions, or concerns openly leaves the other party grappling with uncertainty.

This lack of transparency not only impedes understanding but also hampers the emotional connection between partners. It might be construed as prioritizing personal comfort over the relationship’s growth and intimacy, a self-centric act that undermines the shared responsibility of nurturing a healthy emotional bond.

Selfish Act #2: Personal Prioritization Over Partnership

While self-care is indispensable, sidelining a partner’s needs breeds resentment.

From the male lens, consistent self-prioritization can skew the partnership’s equilibrium. While individual well-being is paramount, relationships thrive on reciprocity and mutual consideration.

When one partner consistently places personal needs above the collective, it engenders a sense of neglect. This imbalance can breed frustration and isolation, interpreting it as a lack of investment in the relationship’s progress.

In essence, striking a balance between personal and shared needs is essential for nurturing a mutually fulfilling relationship.

Selfish Act #3: Stubborn Refusal to Compromise

Compromise is the lifeblood of any healthy partnership. This segment explores how unwavering inflexibility might be deemed as self-serving, advocating for finding common ground for mutual benefit.

From the male perspective, an obstinate refusal to compromise fosters rigidity and imbalance. A thriving relationship thrives on both parties meeting halfway, honoring each other’s perspectives.

When one partner consistently eschews compromise, it underscores personal preferences over collective welfare. This can breed frustration and powerlessness, signaling a lack of commitment to the partnership’s shared journey.

In essence, embracing compromise is pivotal for nurturing a resilient and mutually enriching connection.

Apologies for the interruption. Let’s continue where we left off:

Selfish Act #4: Emotionally Detached Lack of Empathy

Empathy serves as the cornerstone of mutual understanding and support in a relationship.

From the male viewpoint, a partner’s emotional detachment can erode the fabric of connection essential for a thriving relationship. Empathy entails grasping and sharing in each other’s emotions, fostering mutual support and understanding.

When empathy is absent, it leaves the male counterpart feeling emotionally adrift and unsupported. This inability to resonate with the partner’s emotions might be construed as self-absorption, prioritizing personal concerns over the relationship’s emotional landscape.

In essence, cultivating empathy is pivotal for fostering a strong and supportive foundation in any relationship.

Selfish Act #5: Ignoring Partner’s Needs

Recognizing and addressing a partner’s needs is paramount for relationship harmony.

From the male perspective, a partner’s failure to acknowledge his needs within the relationship fosters a sense of neglect and frustration. A partnership entails a collaborative journey where both parties bring their aspirations and concerns to the forefront.

Consistently sidelining the partner’s needs breeds a perception of one-sidedness and neglect. This behavior undermines the shared responsibility for nurturing a mutually satisfying connection, prioritizing personal convenience over collaborative efforts.

Addressing and accommodating each other’s needs form the bedrock of trust and satisfaction within the relationship.

Selfish Act #6: Overreliance on the Partner

While interdependence is healthy, excessive dependency can stifle individual growth.

From the male standpoint, an overly dependent partner may be viewed as self-absorbed, tilting the relationship’s balance.

While mutual reliance is vital, excessive dependency encroaches on personal boundaries, suffocating individual autonomy.

Interpreted as prioritizing emotional needs over the partner’s individuality, such behavior can strain the relationship. Maintaining individual identities creates a sense of self and nurtures a partnership where both individuals can flourish.

Selfish Act #7: Manipulative Tactics

Manipulation undermines trust and fosters emotional distress. This segment explores how manipulative behavior may be perceived as self-serving, highlighting the importance of transparent communication.

From the male perspective, manipulation signals a lack of genuine engagement, eroding trust and transparency. Attempts to control or influence through covert means undermine the foundation of the relationship.

Manipulative actions underscore a self-serving approach, contrary to the principles of trust and mutual understanding. Open communication forms the cornerstone of a strong foundation, essential for both partners to feel secure and supported.

Selfish Act #8: Disregarding Partner’s Goals

Supporting each other’s aspirations is pivotal for relationship fulfillment.

From the male viewpoint, a partner’s indifference towards his aspirations signifies a lack of mutual encouragement. Relationships thrive not just on shared experiences, but also on nurturing individual growth.

Disregarding a partner’s aspirations breeds feelings of isolation and undervaluation, hindering personal growth. Partners should be each other’s cheerleaders, providing motivation to overcome challenges.

Selfish Act #9: Shying Away from Responsibility

Accountability is indispensable for a healthy relationship.

A partner’s reluctance to own up to actions fosters frustration and impedes relationship growth. Accountability requires acknowledging contributions to conflicts, essential for learning and growth.

Evading responsibility undermines mutual trust and understanding, hindering effective communication. Embracing accountability is integral to building a resilient and communicative partnership.

Selfish Act #10: Withholding Affection

Affection sustains emotional bonds in a relationship.

From a man’s viewpoint, withholding affection creates emotional distance, questioning the depth of the relationship. Affection reinforces emotional bonds, and withholding it breeds feelings of neglect and isolation.

Reluctance to express affection signals a lack of investment in the relationship’s emotional well-being. Expressing love and warmth fosters an environment where both partners feel emotionally fulfilled and connected.

Selfish Act #11: Inconsistent Effort

Consistency in effort fortifies the relationship’s longevity.

From a man’s perspective, inconsistent effort breeds uncertainty and imbalance, undermining trust and emotional security. A consistent effort demonstrates commitment and participation in the relationship’s growth.

Inconsistency hints at a lack of investment in the mutual journey, hindering the relationship’s sustainability. Creating a balanced and committed partnership entails consistent contributions to its growth and well-being.

Relationships are nuanced, and behaviors deemed selfish can vary based on individual perspectives. Approaching discussions about these behaviors with empathy and open communication is essential for mutual understanding and growth.

