Preppy-Chic Bags and Bud Light Must Mean One Thing …

It’s back to school for The Relish Must List

Erica Boeke
The Relish
3 min readSep 5, 2016


Welcome to this week’s installment of the Must List, featuring some of our favorite things to buy, read, make and chug. It’s back to school, baby.

MUST HAVE: Even if you’re not super preppy, you have to admit that these collegiate bags from Vera Bradley are adorbs and you are about to order three things for yourself and a few more for all of your friends from other schools.

MUST READ: Time to hit the books. And Amy Trask is about to school you. There is no doubt that former Oakland Raiders CEO was a trailblazer, working her way up from intern to “Princess of Darkness,” as both her fans and foes called her. Her new book about her career working with Al Davis is out this week at Amazon.

Read our full review here, where we reveal what we really thought of Trask’s book. (Spoiler Alert: It’s not the tell-all we were hoping for. So I guess we should call this section MAYBE READ?)

MUST MAKE: You know you’re having the squad over this weekend to watch college ball or NFL Week 1 games. Show them you’ve got spirit, yes you do, you’ve got spirit with these awesome DIY coasters from our very own Grounds Crew.

Image via Fox Business

MUST DRINK: Pretend you’re back in college and you love Bud Light. Wait, I’m nowhere near college and I still love Bud Light! Great, glad that’s settled. So raise a frosty can of Bud Light to Los Angeles, which hasn’t had a football team in 22 years, and honor its new era with a Rams edition of Bud Light’s new team-specific cans.

We like the sleek, minimalist, throw-back design. Cheers! 🍻

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Erica Boeke
The Relish

boss lady, writer, author, sports-lover, entrepreneur