The WNBA Gets Their Voice Back

When taking a stand is faced with a double standard

Erica Boeke
The Relish
2 min readJul 25, 2016


A few weeks ago, we applauded four NBA players who vowed to take a stand against violence in their communities.

So we raised an eyebrow when WNBA players and three teams were fined for wearing “non-compliant” warm-up shirts to show their support of the Black Lives Matter movement. No one seemed to mind when LeBron James, Derrick Rose and other NBA players donned “I Can’t Breathe” T-shirts during the Eric Garner protests. (Heck, President Obama even endorsed LeBron’s decision to wear the shirt back in 2014.)

We’re not raising our eyebrows at the politics. We’re raising eyebrows because we couldn’t understand why these female athletes were being penalized for expressing their opinions.

The WNBA has always encouraged their players and teams to impact their communities. In fact, they have their players wear warm-up shirts expressing sympathy for certain causes — most recently in response to the Orlando shooting in June.

Sure, #BlackLivesMatter may be a tough subject for a PR department to handle — but it is an issue that some players collectively wanted to take a stand on. And those players (including Mercury forward Mistie Bass) hoped the WNBA would have their backs.

After backlash from players and fans all over social media (including Carmelo Anthony), the league agreed that it made a mistake and WNBA President Lisa Borders rescinded the fines and penalties Saturday.

Our take? These times call for athletes, and sports organizations, to be leaders, not apologists. The WNBA let down the courageous young women who stood up to say they were concerned about protecting the lives of all citizens. It was a message that the league could have gotten out in front of — and not turned away from.

We’re left hopeful that they admitted their mistake and reversed the decision. And that the backlash and outcry about this double standard from fans and players alike — and men and women alike — brought awareness to ALL of the issues raised by this flap.

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Erica Boeke
The Relish

boss lady, writer, author, sports-lover, entrepreneur