Get Your Finances on Track, A Guide to Finding the Right Accounting Firm in Your Community

The Remarkable Story
5 min readMar 8, 2023

The accounting industry still feels the technological disruption’s effects on every sector. Finances Online predict that, as a result, more businesses will outsource their accounting in 2022 and 2023. It takes a unique set of abilities and experience to manage a company in the accounting field instead of working in the field as an employee. Creating an accounting practice requires hard work, as with any small business, but Thomson Reuters reports that accounting firms are currently among the most profitable of all small businesses.

Building a successful business requires a foolproof accounting strategy for the first year of operation. Following these procedures can make your goal of choosing a successful accounting firm a reality.

How can your accountant help you?

To select the right accountant, you must first establish your needs. Bookkeeping is something that some accountants are willing to do, while others prefer to specialize in other areas of business. You should look for an accounting firm that offers both a bookkeeper and an accountant if you need someone to handle the routine bookkeeping tasks that arise daily or weekly.

Find an accountant to work with you regularly (weekly, monthly, or quarterly) to create financial statements and assess the state of your business if you do your bookkeeping. Not only can an experienced accountant help you save money by setting up and structuring your plans and operations efficiently, but they should be actively involved in your business all year round, not just when tax season rolls around.

Integrated License and Service Provisioning Platform

Many accounting firms go above and beyond when it comes to business needs. Finding an organization that can handle your accounting, audit/taxation, payroll, work visa, and corporate service requirements can be a huge time saver. Certain services, however, are restricted from offering them unless the providers hold appropriate licenses from the Institute of Certified Public Accountants or the Trust or Company Service Provider License (“TCSP”).

Look for a firm that has been approved by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants if you need help with audits, taxes, and bookkeeping. If you need help with an audit, you’ll need to hire a different firm than your typical accountant since they can only offer accounting and bookkeeping services.

When hiring an accounting firm, what do businesses prioritize?

One of the first and foremost things you should do when looking for an accounting firm is to determine exactly what you need. Xero recommends that when choosing an accounting firm, you prioritize these factors:

Positioned in a handy area

Traditionally, businesses have relied on local accounting firms or independent accountants, but this is becoming less common. You and your accountant can access and update your financial records in real time with cloud accounting regardless of where you happen to be.


Professional accountants are only sometimes needed for jobs like keeping the books or enforcing tax laws, but they are for things like applying for loans and conducting audits.


Experience that is directly applicable to the task at hand. An effective accountant will know how to work with businesses of your size and revenue and your industry.

Proactive about saving money

Find a CPA who is interested in helping you cut costs rather than just keeping them under control. To accomplish this, you must appreciate cash flow and take decisive action to increase your company’s cash.

Compatible programs

To avoid any hiccups in the data-sharing process, it’s ideal for collaborating with someone who uses the same software.

What criteria are used to rate an accountant?

Do your research before deciding on an accountant, just as you would before hiring a new employee. It is recommended to review the accounting firm’s history and contact previous clients for feedback. Verify the qualifications of your potential hires by seeing if they have any relevant certifications. Do some research to see if any complaints have been filed with the relevant authorities or if they have been flagged for any other reasons.

If that all looks good, It is suggested to meet to discuss who you are, what you hope to accomplish, what you have done, and your ultimate objectives. Inquire as to whether or not the CPAs have worked with businesses in your industry before. Find out if the work will be done at your office or the accountant’s, how quickly they can get back to you, and how much time they can devote.

You should expect your potential accountant to answer your financial questions and provide sound advice. You can get a feel for this by seeing if the candidate has any inquiries about the company. Alternatively, look for someone who does. It would be best if you learned the accountant’s level of initiative. Their job requires them to pry into your affairs (literally and figuratively). They will save money and help your business expand if they are actively involved.

Advice for finding the perfect fit for your company

Utilize the connections you already have.

The value of making connections is something every business owner is aware of. Use your professional networks to find a qualified accountant, and ask for referrals from friends, family, and even casual contacts.

Dont rush:

It would be best if you didn’t rush into making any hiring decisions. Pick the first “good fit” you find, but don’t settle. Conducting multiple interviews before making a final choice is in your best interest.

Conduct thorough background checks.

If the candidate can access your company’s funds, you should check their credibility by conducting a thorough background investigation.

Arrange a price discount.

You should have a budget to prepare for a meeting with your accountant. Talk to your potential accountant about settling on a fee that works for both of you if they ask for more than you expected.

With so many choices available, selecting the best accounting services for your company’s needs can be difficult. Before deciding on an accounting firm, getting a feel for what your company needs is important. There will be long-term benefits to taking the time upfront to find the best company.

Find Top-Notch Accounting Consultation Services

Running a business is a challenging feat. You are constantly exposed to it. It’s also common knowledge that the average small business owner spends up to 120 hours a year on bookkeeping tasks. What if you spent that time serving customers and expanding your business instead?

Find a reliable CPA with the assistance of SA Consultation Services. All of our Endorsed Local Providers (ELPs) for small business taxes are local CPAs or Enrolled Agents enthusiastic about helping their neighbors.



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