Breaking down the job description- The Analog Design Engineer

Vijayalakshmi Swaminathan
The Research Nest
Published in
5 min readJun 11, 2018

Having recently come across the conductive paint that is going to revolutionize the integrated circuit technology from the grass root level, we present another article as a part of the job description series- The Analog Design Engineer. As banal as it may sound, this profession requires years and years of effort, learning, and perseverance before it aggrandizes to its behemoth form.

What is Analog Electronics?

Appellate rightly, it deals with the minuscule of devices, called the diodes and transistors, which operate on continuous signals, ie- signal in the analog form, but tremendously attenuated to produce the desired results- the mathematical calculations. Every electronic device consists of this analog circuitry which is aggregated in the form of integrated circuits. Though the input signal may be of the digital binary format, they are appropriately converted to their analog counterparts. The fundamentals of the integrated circuitry are the transistors which constitute the logic gates, multiplexers and the storage elements that perform combinational, and sequential operations respectively.

Who is an Analog Engineer?

Though the term is a misnomer, the Analog Design Engineer is expected to have a strong basics of analog and digital fundamentals. Irrespective of the seniority level, the analog design engineer will be responsible for the following-

  1. Given the requirements for a significant problem, he/she has to come out with a proper design. The design should be in the top to bottom approach, beginning from the highest level of abstraction to the lowest level. The highest level of abstraction specifies, the functional blocks, whilst the lowest levels specifies the structural blocks.
  2. Consequently, the design on paper has to be fed in a computer-aided design software, for appropriate simulations. The simulations amount to the testing of functionality, planning placement and routing (PPR), speed, latency and debugging.
  3. The design is sent for fabrication after which the chip is tested in five stages, starting from the chip level to the field level.
  4. He/she should be able to guarantee the proper functionality over warranty, maintenance, periodic check for the bugs, and updating.
  5. Brainstorm for new problems and solutions.

What is an Analog Engineer required to know?

After an analysis of job profiles on LinkedIn, to become an analog engineer, the aspirant should yearn to gain knowledge in the following domains-

A degree in electronics:

An engineering degree in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering or Electrical and Electronics engineering may encompass the fundamentals of analog electronics from the grassroots level. The courses that need to be covered include semiconductors, electronic devices, analog integrated circuits, and Very large scale integration(VLSI) design and systems, control systems, computer architecture and organization and RF engineering.

The essential books that can aid one to gain a bird’s eye view of these would be;

  1. Electronic circuits by Milman and Halkis
  2. Microelectronic circuits by Sedra and Smith
  3. Electronic devices and circuit theory by Boylestad
  4. Linear integrated circuits by Roy Choudhry,
  5. Books by Behzad Razavi
  6. CMOS VLSI Design by Weste.

These books can provide a strong fundamental of the concepts. Otherwise, any other concise handbook with good explanation and the extensive number of video lectures available online also helps. One good set of video lectures is by the eminent professor, Behzad Razavi, who gives excellent insight into the basics of semiconductor technology, to the electronic devices. The NPTEL lectures for CMOS VLSI design can be utilized.

A fundas course on Signal Processing helps in the long run if the person is intending for job growth and improvisation.

Super Specialisation

Following a Bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering, an aspirant can pursue a Masters Degree in VLSI system design and VLSI systems.

Software Skills Required

The following software skills are essential:

1. Cadence Virtuoso:

From the pre-layout to the post layout simulations can be done with ease using this software. Optimisation techniques, debugging, speed all are accounted for using the software making it a crucial tool for an analog design engineer. Sufficient online tutorials are available to learn this software. However, the person should possess the license to access it, which are more often than less available with the educational institutions undertaking research.


MATrix LABoratory, abbreviated as Matlab, with its plethora of Toolboxes and functions, carries immense importance to the engineer working on implementing complex mathematical functions.

MatLab can be learned from its parent website Mathworks.

Qualities Required

Personally, when I went through the fundamental courses in my college, the experience was quite daunting. However, a fine reading through the textbooks proved that analog electronics is the force that holds this world together, any force that holds something together is very simple. Having a strong understanding and command over the fundamentals is the key, as in analog electronics, everything is an accrual of the damn transistor. Here I list out the qualities that an analog engineer requires-

  1. Perseverance
  2. Killer Spirit
  3. A thirst for Knowledge
  4. A tap on the current developments
  5. Liberal mindset

The job opening available for an analog engineer are in various top companies like Intel, AMD, Texas Instruments, Synopsys, Analog Devices, Samsung etc.

It is evident that an analog engineer rules the crux of this world- the atom which has the atomic number 14, Silicon that glues the one motive of all mathematical calculations, algorithms, advanced technologies, and fastest of systems.

Years and years of turmoil, moving from one failed design to another, with no loss of enthusiasm and a new found belief in the latest design, and a never-ending ray of hope, that this one design is going to rule the roost, is an analog engineer’s dream, that will definitely come true one day.

Just like how Leonardo Da Vinci, who took four years to give the masterpiece Mona Lisa, the number of years it takes to get a design working does not matter, but the greatness of it does. As rightly said, in this job, it is never right to compare one’s growth with another, as this may put your abilities in a jeopardy.

Lest all mayhem, have the rigor to revolutionize and revitalize the world.

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Vijayalakshmi Swaminathan
The Research Nest

I read, learn and create! Always up for engaging conversations about anything! Do connect with me on