Content Distribution Recommendations at The Research Nest

Show your work ✨

Editorial @ TRN
The Research Nest
3 min readSep 10, 2023


Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

So you’ve just curated an eye-opening, insightful, and simply stellar piece for your audience on Medium. That’s fantastic! But what’s next? Well, it’s time to play the vital role of the proud parent flaunting their prodigy’s masterpiece at every opportune moment — yes, it’s time for content distribution.

Sharing isn’t just caring; it’s your golden ticket to visibility and engagement. We’ve whipped up an intricate checklist you can turn to each time you publish a sparkling new article.

We highlight this here to nudge writers to consider their personal branding and distribution strategy without shying away from showing their work.

The Content Distribution Checklist

  1. Show Off on Social Media
    Twitter: Craft witty tweets, perhaps even start a thread explaining the key highlights of your piece. Remember, hashtags are your best friends!
    Instagram: Think creative graphics behind-the-scenes glimpses, and don’t forget those IG stories and reels to give your content a personal touch.
    LinkedIn: Share your insights as a LinkedIn post to establish your expertise and foster professional connections. Don’t forget to tag the relevant people and organizations related to your content on social media.
    WhatsApp: Utilize your status update to share the good news with your personal network.
  2. Engage in Online Communities
    Reddit: Find relevant subreddits where a good number of STEM enthusiasts hang out. Share your piece where it fits in naturally.
    YouTube: Got a related video? Drop a thoughtful comment and subtly guide viewers to your article.
    Quora: Answer related questions and weave in your article as a resource for deeper understanding.
  3. Maintain a Healthy Balance
    Personal Touch: Always keep it balanced and personal to build a genuine connection with your readers.
    Avoid Spam: We love the enthusiasm, but remember not to cross the line into spammy territory!
  4. Extra Sprinkle of Creativity
    Podcasts and Webinars: If audio is your thing, speak about your article on podcasts or webinars.
    Newsletter: Create a newsletter to update your followers on your latest pieces regularly.
    Collaborations: Collaborate with other creators to reach a wider audience and bring fresh perspectives to your content.

Why Should You Do It?

Unlocking Opportunities

  • Networking: Sharing your work can open avenues for collaboration and networking. It could connect you with individuals and organizations with similar interests and goals, fostering a community that supports and nurtures your endeavors.
  • Career Advancements: Consistently distributing quality content can catch the eyes of potential employers, clients, or collaborators. It acts as a live portfolio demonstrating your expertise and dedication in your field.

Boosting Your Content’s Lifespan

  • Sustainable Engagement: Sharing doesn’t have to be a one-time event. With strategic redistribution, your content can enjoy a longer lifespan, continually attracting new audiences over time.
  • SEO Benefits: Regular distribution of your work can improve its search engine visibility, making it easier for people to find and engage with your content through organic searches.

Personal Growth and Learning

  • Feedback Loop: Distributing your work creates a feedback loop with your audience. The comments, shares, and discussions that ensue can offer valuable insights, helping you refine your future endeavors.
  • Building Confidence: Putting your work out there and receiving appreciation and constructive criticism can build your confidence as a creator, encouraging you to push boundaries and take more creative risks.

Enhancing Audience Engagement

  • Personal Brand Building: Consistent sharing helps in building a personal brand. It allows your audience to understand your style, perspective, and areas of expertise, cultivating a dedicated following over time.
  • Community Building: Sharing your work invites people with similar interests to engage with your content, fostering a community where ideas flourish and knowledge is exchanged freely.

Education and Inspiration

  • Educational Value: Especially in STEM, your insights and research can have immense educational value. Sharing your work can help disseminate knowledge and promote learning in the field.
  • Inspiring Others: Seeing your work might inspire others to start their journeys, creating a ripple effect of creativity and exploration in the community.

Remember, every piece you share showcases your talents and contributes to a rich tapestry of collaborative knowledge and inspiration. It’s a win-win for you and the vibrant community of learners and creators alike! So, don’t shy away from showing your good work to the world at large.

Happy sharing, stellar researchers! Let’s create, distribute, and dazzle! ✨

