From Mainframes to Serverless

How Has Digital Infrastructure Evolved Over The Years?

Armaanjeet Singh Sandhu
The Research Nest
9 min readNov 22, 2023


Note: This article is inspired, in part, by the curriculum of Google Cloud’s Digital Leader learning path, particularly in how it broadly categorizes the history of digital infrastructure into three eras: the VM Cloud Era, the Infrastructure Cloud Era, and the Transformation Cloud Era. What follows is my effort to enrich this broad framework with a more comprehensive account.

The Early Days: On-Premises Infrastructure

In the early digital age, computing was synonymous with large, bulky mainframes and servers. IBM and Hewlett-Packard emerged as behemoths in the tech scene, as they provided foundational infrastructure for computing — mainframes that were not just colossal in size but also in computational capabilities.

Corporate data centers were central to this period. They were large facilities dedicated to housing the extensive array of hardware. The space required was substantial, often necessitating entire floors or buildings.

Teams of IT professionals were indispensable in managing the on-premises infrastructure. Their roles encompassed everything from setting up the systems to ensuring their smooth operation, which often meant involuted troubleshooting. The knowledge and skills required for these tasks were highly specialized, making these professionals crucial assets to any organization relying on such technology.

One of this period's most notable aspects was its financial model. Capital expenses were notably high. This was largely due to the cost-intensive nature of purchasing and maintaining the hardware. Scaling up operations wasn’t just a matter of software upgrades; it required substantial investments in additional hardware. This aspect of on-premises infrastructure posed a considerable challenge for many organizations, particularly those with fluctuating computing needs.

The Rise of Colocation

The 1990s marked a pivotal turn in the history of computing with the burgeoning growth of the internet. There were considerable changes in how businesses approached data management and infrastructure. During this time, the concept of colocation began to gain prominence, a development closely tied to the expanding reach and capabilities of the internet.

At its core, colocation involved companies renting space in a shared data center to house their servers and other computing hardware. This model presented a novel solution to the challenges posed by on-premises data centers. By opting for colocation, companies could leverage the advantages of having a dedicated space for their hardware without the exorbitant costs and logistical challenges of building and maintaining their own data center facilities.

A key player in the rise of colocation was Equinix, founded in 1998. These centers provided not just physical space but also the necessary power, cooling, and security infrastructure that were essential for optimal hardware functioning. The model offered by companies like Equinix represented a remarkable shift in data management and infrastructure strategy.

The colocation model presented several advantages. Firstly, it significantly reduced CapEx for companies, as they no longer needed to invest heavily in building and maintaining their own centers. Secondly, it offered a higher degree of flexibility, allowing businesses to scale their hardware needs according to demand without the constraints of physical space and infrastructure limitations. Additionally, colocation centers, also known as carrier hotels, often provided better connectivity options, benefiting from economies of scale and network effects.

Virtual Machines and the VM Cloud Era

The late 1990s and early 2000s marked a radical period with the advent of virtualization. This technology fundamentally changed computing infrastructure by allowing the creation of virtual servers on a single physical server.

A pivotal player in this revolution was VMware, founded in 1998. VMware and other emerging companies in this domain introduced solutions that enabled the creation and management of virtual machines (VMs). These solutions allowed for partitioning a single physical server into multiple virtual servers, each functioning as an independent unit with its own operating system and applications. Traditionally, physical servers were often underutilized, with a considerable portion of their computing capacity remaining idle. With virtualization, the use of the server’s resources was maximized. This enhanced performance and reduced the need for additional physical servers, leading to cost savings and reduced space requirements.

The concept of VMs became the cornerstone for the next generation of cloud computing services. Virtual machines offered a level of abstraction that was previously unattainable. They decoupled the software from the hardware, allowing for greater flexibility, scalability, and mobility of applications. This abstraction was critical in developing cloud services, where resources could be dynamically allocated and scaled according to demand.

Another significant impact of virtualization was on disaster recovery and business continuity. VMs could be easily backed up and replicated, allowing for quicker recovery in case of system failures or disasters. This increased the resilience of IT infrastructure. Furthermore, the flexibility offered by virtual machines enabled businesses to experiment with new applications and systems without the need for dedicated physical resources.

Cloud Computing Providers

The trajectory of digital infrastructure took a monumental leap with the launch of Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2006. AWS began a new era by offering a comprehensive suite of cloud services, significantly impacting how businesses and individuals utilize computing resources. It provided scalable and flexible solutions that included storage, computing power, and other functionalities, setting a benchmark in the industry.

The success and potential of AWS did not go unnoticed. In 2010, Microsoft entered the cloud arena with Azure, followed by Google with the Google Cloud Platform in 2011. These platforms expanded the cloud computing market, introducing their unique strengths and innovations. Microsoft Azure leveraged Microsoft’s extensive enterprise experience, offering seamless integration with existing Microsoft products. Google Cloud Platform, with Google’s robust infrastructure and expertise in data analytics, presented powerful solutions for data processing and machine learning.

These cloud providers fundamentally transformed the IT landscape by offering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions. IaaS provided virtualized computing resources over the internet, enabling businesses to rent infrastructure as needed, thus eliminating the need for large capital investments in physical hardware. PaaS, on the other hand, offers an environment for developers to build, test, and deploy applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. This flexibility and scalability were unprecedented in the history of computing.

The rise of these cloud computing providers was underpinned by the advancements in virtualization technologies. By building on the foundational technology of VMs, these platforms were able to offer highly scalable and flexible computing resources. They allowed businesses to quickly scale up or down based on demand, optimizing resource utilization and reducing costs.

The advent of cloud computing providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform marked a new chapter in business scalability and innovation. Regardless of their size, companies were given access to state-of-the-art computing resources, leveling the playing field and fostering innovation. Startups and small businesses, which previously faced barriers due to high IT infrastructure costs, could now compete with larger enterprises.

The impact of these cloud services was global. They democratized access to high-end computing resources, enabled the rapid deployment of applications and services worldwide, and facilitated the rise of new business models such as Software as a Service (SaaS). The flexibility and efficiency of cloud computing led to its rapid adoption across industries, fundamentally changing how businesses operate and deliver value to customers.

Containerization and the Infrastructure Cloud Era

Containerization marked a noteworthy milestone in the evolution of cloud infrastructure, and its emergence can be largely attributed to Docker, which was launched in 2013. Docker revolutionized the concept of packaging and deploying applications by encapsulating them in containers. Containers are lightweight, standalone, executable packages that include everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings.

Containers provided a more efficient, lightweight alternative to traditional virtual machines (VMs). Unlike VMs, which include the entire operating system, containers share the host system’s kernel and isolate the application processes from the rest of the system. This results in a colossal reduction in the amount of system resources required, allowing for more efficient use of hardware and faster startup times for applications.

The popularity of containers coincided with the rise of microservices architectures, which involve breaking down applications into smaller, independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs. Containers are particularly well-suited for microservices as they provide isolated environments for each service, making it easier to deploy, scale, and manage complex applications.

As the use of containers and microservices architectures grew, the need for effective management tools became apparent. This led to the development of Kubernetes, which was released by Google as an open-source project in 2014. Kubernetes quickly became the de facto standard for container orchestration. It provides a framework for automating application container deployment, scaling, and operations across clusters of hosts, making it easier to manage complex, containerized applications.

Serverless Computing and the Transformation Cloud Era

Serverless computing, a term that gained prominence around the time AWS Lambda was introduced in 2014, represented a further leap in the abstraction of infrastructure concerns. AWS Lambda allowed developers to deploy code that would automatically run in response to specific events or requests without the need for managing server lifecycles. This innovation shifted from the traditional approach, where server management was a core part of application deployment.

Following this, other major cloud providers introduced their serverless computing solutions. Azure Functions, introduced by Microsoft in 2016, and Google Cloud Functions extended the serverless computing paradigm, providing developers with more options and flexibility. These services enabled automatic scaling, high availability, and a pay-for-use billing model.

This era is not just about operational efficiency but has become integral to digital transformation strategies. Organizations increasingly leverage cloud-native services, including serverless computing, to drive innovation and efficiency. This era has seen the rise of advanced technologies like AI/ML, provided as services by cloud providers (e.g., Google AI Platform, Azure AI, AWS SageMaker). These services allow the integration of sophisticated capabilities into applications without the need for specialized infrastructure.

The emphasis on big data has led to the development of specialized cloud services like Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift, and Azure Synapse Analytics. They offer robust data analytics capabilities, enabling organizations to process and analyze large volumes of data more efficiently.

The serverless era has also seen a growing trend towards hybrid and multi-cloud strategies. Tools such as Google Anthos and Azure Arc facilitate the deployment of applications across various cloud environments and on-premises. This reflects a growing need for flexibility, risk mitigation, and the ability to leverage the unique services offered by different cloud providers. It’s a recognition of modern businesses' complex and diverse requirements, where no single cloud provider can meet all needs.

Security and Compliance

As cloud computing became more prevalent, it brought with it an increased focus on security and compliance. The shift of data and applications to cloud environments raised new challenges and vulnerabilities. Businesses and cloud providers alike had to grapple with the complexities of protecting sensitive data and ensuring privacy in a shared and often distributed infrastructure.

Enacting rigorous regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States marked a crucial turning point. These regulations imposed strict data protection and privacy standards, holding both cloud providers and their customers accountable for compliance. The GDPR, in particular, with its global impact, forced organizations to rethink their data handling and storage practices, especially in cloud environments.

In response to these regulatory demands, providers began implementing advanced security measures such as encryption in transit and at rest, more robust identity and access management solutions, and regular security audits. They also started offering more transparency and control to customers over their data, aligning with the regulatory requirements for data sovereignty and privacy.

Compliance certifications like ISO 27001, SOC 2, and HIPAA compliance became a crucial part of provider offerings. These accreditations reassure customers, indicating that the provider adheres to best practices and regulatory requirements in data security and privacy.

Security measures in cloud computing continuously evolve as new threats and vulnerabilities emerge regularly. Cloud providers and customers must continuously update their security measures and compliance strategies. This involves not just technological solutions but also employee training, regular risk assessments, and developing a culture of security awareness.

