Open Opportunities To Work With The Research Nest

We are looking for passionate individuals who would be interested to collaborate with us in various open roles listed here

Editorial @ TRN
The Research Nest
7 min readMay 27, 2020


Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.


Akin to this. we yearn to go a step beyond.

Teach a human to self-learn, and you’ll have given him the ability to learn anything they want, to bring every practical idea they can envision to reality.

The Research Nest is an online platform to share powerful and meaningful insights across the domains of science, technology, and beyond. We primarily focus on the field of artificial intelligence but are open to exploring beyond the horizons. We believe in the concept of self-learning and create content to enable the same.

Our current mission- To help 100,000 people to self learn advance technological concepts at free of cost and with a practical product driven approach.

And if you are someone who loves what we do, we have some interesting opportunities for you. Together, lets scale upwards!

Why should you consider working with us?

  • Flexibility is our core principle. You work on things that you want, when you want, and from where you want. We simply support and empower you in your journey.
  • The word deadline does not exist in our dictionary.
  • We are always in for quality over quantity. With that being said, we have a policy where we publish at max two articles per day (to date), to give proper individual attention to every piece of content submitted to us, and make sure it reaches the target audience who would be benefitted from it.
  • You have autonomy in what you do. You can experiment with various approaches and only do things that excite you the most.
  • Check out the unique roles we have enlisted below, to understand more.

Additional Info

  • All positions listed here are voluntary (unpaid), part-time, and remote in nature.
  • We don’t generate any revenue with our content and are driven by a purpose and passion for what we do. (We hope you understand, why we run on a voluntary basis)
  • If we do take up any commercial projects in the future in which you get to work, you will be eligible for a corresponding monetary benefit on a freelance basis.
  • Everyone is welcome to apply for these roles. We do not have restrictions, whatsoever. Even if you are a high school student or a retired professional and want to take up an exciting and critical role or take it as a new hobby, we would want to hear from you. All you need is a passion to learn and share a similar vision as us.
  • To apply, you can email us at along with your CV stating what you are interested in and why.
  • We are also open to individuals taking up multiple roles simultaneously, based on their interests.

Current Open Roles

Associate Editor [Closed]

As our publication grows, we find an inevitable need for editors to ensure the quality of content we generate stays up to the mark.

Who is this role for?

  • You have a knack for grammar and structure.
  • You like to read a lot.
  • You are a tech enthusiast.
  • You wish to pursue a career or side hustle as a content creator/editor.

What will you do?

  • You will be added as an editor to our publication.
  • Whenever guest blogs or in house articles are submitted, you will be in charge of proof-reading, reviewing, and editing them, to ensure they are picture-perfect ready for publication.
  • You will be following standard editorial guidelines like checking for plagiarism, quality, hyperlinks to facts, etc.
  • You get to choose which articles you want to edit. So, you will have full freedom to work with the topics that really interest you.
  • You will be directly reporting to the Editor in Chief, on the tasks you take up and progress of your work.
  • You will also be engaging in giving constructive feedback to our writers to help them enhance their skills further.
  • Bonus- You’ll get to edit content created by an AI (Yep, for real!).

Why should you apply to this role?

  • To get the first-hand experience in content management of a growing digital media publication.
  • To learn tech from all the diverse articles you get to work with.
  • To network with writers and other contributors.

Applied Research Engineer

We envision to create exciting and novel project tutorials in cutting edge technologies. These tutorials will be designed to give unique perspectives and insights on how one can self learn to execute a practical idea and bring it to life. We are looking forward to working with those who can empower us to do the same.

Who is this role for?

  • You look at algorithms from an application point of view.
  • You have the passion and patience for multidisciplinary research and product development experiments.
  • You like to build things that don’t exist yet.
  • You like to teach people about the stuff you learned.

What will you do?

  • You will work towards realizing applied research projects with a real-life practical use case.
  • You will design and execute research experiments in cutting edge domains.
  • You get to choose what problem statements you want to work with.
  • You also have the freedom to pitch your own projects. We will support you with the same.
  • You will be writing some code and documentation of your implementations and results.

Why should you apply to this role?

  • To obtain a highly focused applied research experience.
  • To increase your portfolio of projects.
  • You will get the credits, shout out, and marketing for the work you do, thereby enhancing your personal brand.
  • We have a bunch of exciting and creative projects in our pipeline. You will get to work with some of the most interesting applications and possibilities that will potentially power the future of humanity.

Product Developer [Closed]

We don’t intend to just leave the research projects we build as tutorials. Our focus is also on creating products utilizing this research that can be used by actual consumers. We are looking for a Product Developer who would be interested to realize the same.

Who is this role for?

  • You know (or interested in learning) full-stack software development
  • You love building apps, be it android/iOS, or on the web.
  • You like to write code.
  • You want to pursue some super exciting hobby projects in your free time, some of which can have real-world impact.
  • You love contributing to the open-source.

What will you do?

  • You will help with converting the research prototypes and proof of concepts into full-fledged products, via various means, like a web service, an app, a tool or custom software module, etc.
  • You will be creating documentation on how to use the software you build.
  • You will be writing code in the required programming languages and working with tools like Git, development/deployment frameworks, etc.
  • As with all your profiles, you will be free to choose the products that excite you and you personally would love to build.

Why you should apply to this role?

  • To gain experience in autonomously building software you actually like to build.
  • Increase your portfolio of products you have helped develop.
  • You will get the credits, shout outs, and marketing for your contributions, thereby enhancing your personal brand.

Digital Strategy Manager [Closed]

We understand that having content, research, and products alone are not enough. We want to ensure that all of this reaches the right audience who can reap benefit from it. Social media and digital marketing are a powerful means by which we can do it, and you empower us with the same.

Who is this role for?

  • You love social media and analytics.
  • You understand personal branding and value-added marketing.
  • You are a growth hacker, who loves the journey of scaling on social media.
  • You like to explore the nuances of the internet and various marketing strategies, outreach programs, etc.

What will you do?

  • Design creative marketing programs to enhance our social media presence.
  • Analyze social media metrics and derive useful insights from the same.
  • Create action plans for our social media strategy and content marketing.
  • Thinking out of the box.

Why you should apply to this role?

  • To gain first-hand marketing and digital strategy consulting experience.
  • You’ll get our endorsement and shoutout for the results you achieve.
  • You will also get to experiment with unique strategies that are novel, and brand new.

End Notes

  • The open roles will be updated from time to time based on current requirements.
  • Apart from these, we are always open to guest bloggers and writers who wish to collaborate with us. You can check out the guest blogging guidelines, and the creator’s prize for more details.
  • We encourage anyone interested to apply, irrespective of qualifications, age, etc. If you share our vision, we will help you gain new skills to make you adept with what you want to do.
  • Follow our social media handles to stay up to date with our latest initiatives and tech news from across the world- LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.

Reach out to us at if you have any further questions or queries.

