✍️ Open Topics to Write

We welcome writers to pick our prompts/ideas and publish their content with The Research Nest.

Editorial @ TRN
The Research Nest
3 min readMar 25, 2024


Note: This list is updated regularly to reflect the latest open topics available to pick up.

Last updated: 27th March, 2024

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

One question we often get from those interested in writing and exploration is — What do I write about?

This article aims to solve that, once and for all, for people stuck with picking a good topic or looking for inspiration and editing support.

Here’s a curated list of high-quality topic ideas you can pick from to write with The Research Nest. These topics are curated under three broad sections that we cover.

Thought Leadership

Articles giving personal commentary on the latest trends in STEM. In general, you can cover your professional life experiences (A Day in My Life articles), thoughts behind your side projects (How and why you built something), and ideas about various tech trends.

  1. Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrencies: A New Era of Decentralization
    — Exploring blockchain applications in various domains.
    — The impact of decentralized finance (DeFi) on traditional banking.
    — Challenges in adoption and the road ahead.
  2. The Future of Work in an AI-First World
    — What do you think of emergent technologies like AI agents (Devin)?
    — Future of work as a tech employee.
    — What other domains of work will be disrupted, and how/why?

Past articles published under this category.


Articles dissecting a complex topic in a simple yet comprehensive way for everyone. Your goal should be to explain something that even a middle school student can understand.

  1. Explained: CRISPR for Everyone
    —A historical timeline of all key events that led to CRISPR, building intuition towards how it actually works.
    — Current experiments and trends with the application of CRISPR.
    — Ethical and societal implications of genome editing.
  2. Explained: Diffusion Models for Everyone
    Dissecting the key research papers that explore diffusion models for text-to-image generation.
    — How models are trained, from data collection to image generation.
    — Visual analogies and code samples with each building block of a diffusion model.

Past articles published under this category.


Articles focusing on doing something in a given technology stack. Practical, easy-to-follow step-by-step guides in tech, software engineering, AI, data science, and other related domains.

  1. Automating Your Workflow with GitHub Actions
    Introduction to CI/CD and GitHub Actions.
    — Setting up your first workflow. Come up with a novel project idea to illustrate this.
    — Automating tests, builds, and deployments.
  2. Analyzing Meteor Shower Frequencies
    An astronomical data science tutorial demonstrating how to analyze meteor shower data and find meaningful insights from the same.
  3. Explore the evolution of antibiotic resistance in a common pathogen over the past decade.
    — A bioinformatics project using archived genomic sequences of some pathogen from various time points.
    — Demonstrate how to computationally analyze such data and find valuable trends like antibiotic resistance.

Past articles published under this category.

You can pick an open topic, inform us via a response to this article (so we can lock that topic for you), and later submit your draft to The Research Nest as it gets ready. Topic picking is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Once a topic is picked, it will be marked as “TAKEN,” and once it’s ready to publish, it will be removed from the above list and replaced with new topics.

Here are some more useful links to help you out.

